Weekly: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #484)
Drug War Issues

It's a real motley crew this week: a small-town police chief gone bad, cops escorting drug shipments, and, of course, more crooked prison guards.

First, a brief note about this weekly feature and what we are and are not trying to accomplish with it. Our purpose in publishing the corrupt cops stories is to make the points about how vast the problem of police corruption really is, how drug prohibition is a major cause of police corruption, and how much hypocrisy there is in the system.

What we're not doing is "gloating" over cops getting a taste of their own medicine or calling for harsh punishments for them. Some of the police officers mentioned here undoubtedly were unethical people when they took the job. Others either bent to temptations or pressures existing in their individual situations or gradually strayed down the wrong path. How harshly they deserve to be punished is an individual matter. Most of all want to end the drug war so that none of this happens at all.

Now, let's get to it:

In Cabot, Arkansas, the former Lonoke police chief and his wife were sentenced Tuesday for running a criminal organization dealing in drugs and jewelry. Former Chief Jay Campbell had been convicted on 23 counts, including conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine and running a continuing criminal enterprise. His wife, Kelly Campbell, was convicted of 26 counts, including residential burglary and obtaining a controlled substance through theft or fraud. The ex-chief is going down for 40 years, while his wife got a 20-year sentence. Trials are pending for the former mayor and two others in this tale of small-town corruption writ large.

In Hollywood, Florida, two Hollywood police officers pleaded guilty April 25 on heroin trafficking charges. Detective Kevin Companion and Officer Stephen Harrison admitted running a protection racket and using police vehicles to escort heroin shipments for people they thought were traffickers, but who were really undercover FBI agents. According to court documents, they also transported stolen diamonds from New Jersey, protected an illegal card game on a yacht, and trafficked in stolen bearer bonds. The pair face 10 years in federal prison when they are sentenced on July 20. Two other Hollywood police officers involved in the racket, Sgt. Jeffrey Courtney and Detective Thomas Simcox, are expected to plead guilty as well, but no hearing dates have been set in their cases.

In Hartford, Connecticut, the New Haven Police Department's recently-fired head narc was formally indicted on corruption charges on April 25. William White, 63, chief of the New Haven drug squad, narcotics detective Justen Kasperzyk, 34, and three bail bondsmen were arrested a month ago after an eight-month investigation by state and federal authorities. Now, White is charged in the indictment with two counts of theft of government funds and bribery conspiracy after he was videotaped stealing money planted by the FBI in what he thought was a drug dealer's car. Kasperzyk was not mentioned in the indictments. The bail bondsmen were indicted for paying White and other officers bribes of up to $15,000 to track down clients who had become fugitives. They face up to 20 years in prison.

In Clovis, New Mexico, a Curry County jail guard was arrested April 24 for smuggling marijuana and tobacco into the jail. Curry County Adult Center Officer Raul Lopez, 23, told investigators he needed cash when an inmate offered to pay him to bring in the goodies. He now faces three counts of bringing contraband into a place of imprisonment and three counts of distribution of a controlled substance. All the charges are felonies. He has now been fired and is being held on $30,000 bond in neighboring Pecos County. Lopez is the fifth Curry County jail guard to be arrested in the past year, on charges ranging from contraband to assaulting prisoners.

In Rutland, Vermont, a state prison community corrections officer was arrested April 27 for selling cocaine. Sheri Fitzgerald, 43, went down after selling coke to a confidential informant that same day and is accused of selling it to offenders she oversaw in the community corrections program. She faces felony charges of cocaine possession, cocaine distribution, distribution of narcotics, and a misdemeanor count of illegal possession of a narcotic. That could get her up to 19 years in prison. The 18-year veteran of the Vermont Department of Corrections employee is now jailed on a $250,000 bond.


Anonymous (not verified)

I find it degrading to me personally and to to my very humanity that the very people we are supposed to trust, to be able to trust, are criminals themselves. Many years ago, thirty by my memory, I know a story that has stayed with me and always will.
Having been pulled over for a spurious missing trail light, I, the driver of a nondescript vehicle was searched and her car also. Carried in a purse on the seat beside her was a pound of a very restricted substance. The investigating officer called for backup, for some reason, and the driver was taken to city cells in, you guessed it, Vancouver, BC.
When court was called in the am, the charges were possession of an ounce of mj and a cap of heroin for her own use.
There was no mention of the pound.
That saved me, the driver, from a sentence of twenty to life, but there was enough drug to send a lot of kids to any University in the free world and still live very comfortably for the rest of that cops' life and his family's.
I was grateful, of course, and did change my ways; I have always wondered though, did he slide that pound into his shirt before his backup arrived...must have, because I never heard of it again.
And I wonder, always, was that big score enough, or did more drugs go missing before they even hit the evidence room.
And nothing has changed except to get worse.....

Sun, 06/03/2007 - 8:00am Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

the kissimmee police department has two dirty cops that I know of personally.
I was beaten with my hand cuffs on and they stole $60.00 dollars off my person and said that there was nothing I could do about it.
its no wonder that we dont trust law enforcement anymore and this is a prime example why.
The FDLE is the largest organized crime outfit in the united states today and we the people need to "check them".

Thu, 06/21/2007 - 2:09pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

this only highlights what blacks have been sayin all along...most cops are dirty, and we (and latinos) suffer the most from this"dirt". Drug dealing/murder/crime arent confined to the black/brown comunity but the media would have u believe it is......

Sat, 05/24/2008 - 12:45pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

two thirds of the cops I know are from different cultures including african american and Ill tell you know that they are all good and honest men who hate dirt cops just as much as the next guy, so dont go slandering them and telling me that it only white cops that are dirty cause the force is now made of of more minorities then it is caucasians with an equal chance for any of them to be dirty.

Mon, 02/02/2009 - 3:06am Permalink
Roy Cancel (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I hate to say it but you are wrong. Most cops are dirty. Not just the cops either. The judges, district attorneys, lawyers, court officers , correction officers bailiffs I can go on are very very dirty and it seems race and gender is not the issue. If you gave the same corrupt opportunity to a white cop black cop Latino cop you will get the same result...more corrupt cops. The problem is that the corrupted rarely get caught and punished severely for their acts so they thinlhey will get away with whatever they did. However there is a light at the end of the tunnel...corruption breeds greed hate carelessness and we all know what happens when you operate and become like the 7 deadly sins ....you get caught and sooner or later you have to pay
Sun, 09/23/2012 - 11:25pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Yep rural U.S has cops that plant evidence .Why would they do that? To glorify their Positions on War on Drugs. They are not happy with a simple pot arrest , they must plant Meth.
What is going on is a Travisty of justice.They provide false statements, false testiominies put man and his wife against each other. Joe Shook head sheriff has been caught with illegal drugs in the past , when laws were not so Strick. and now he has become head sheriff. He plants evidence I have proof Stop this injustice .please..
They lie, they think they are untochable..
Where is
What has happend to the constitution?
Where is the bill of rights.
p.s. Please send a investigation team of FBI, Internal affirs to Clay county

Thank you
God Bless America

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 10:09pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

dont think youre alone. Spartanburg police is no dought one of the most corrupt. Only way the can solve a case is for the perp. o walk in and give up. and good luck getting stolen property back. Southside cops suck......

Fri, 04/04/2008 - 1:43pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Clay county progress just had an article that the sheriff gave beer and pizza to his deputies while at a crime scene in a DRY COUNTY.
below is the news paper clipping

HAYESVILLE – Narcotics officers assigned to a two-county drug task force drank beer and ate pizza outside the home of a suspected marijuana dealer after executing a search warrant there, authorities acknowledged Monday.

The incident nearly two years ago became public last week after the prosecutor trying the case that came from that search questioned the officers about the beer and pizza on the witness stand.

No one was drunk that day in July 2007, said Clay County Sheriff Joe Shook, who crossed the state line into Georgia to get the beer because his county is dry.

“It was bad judgment on my part that I let it happen,” Shook said Monday. “I can assure you it won't happen again, and it shouldn't have happened then.”

Though not a beer drinker himself, Shook said he got the 12-pack after one person in the group suggested a beer would be good with the pizza the sheriff had offered to buy.

The team had spent the day searching the house and they were waiting for a truck to arrive so that they could pack up the marijuana growing equipment. They worked three more hours after dinner loading the truck in what the sheriff called “tropical” heat created by the lamps used in the pot growing operation.

District Attorney Michael Bonfoey said the assistant prosecutor trying the case learned about the drinking while working on preparations with the officers. He said his office alerted defense attorneys because state law requires that defendants know all the facts before trial.

And, he said, the prosecution brought the issue to the jury first “because we wanted to, quite frankly, minimize the impact.”

Donald and Terri Barry were convicted last week, despite the testimony about the drinking on the job. They got three years probation for felony manufacturing marijuana and misdemeanor drug possession.

The narcotics team, made up of two officers from neighboring Cherokee County and two officers from Clay County, was working under a N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety grant, Shook said.

None of the officers were in uniform that day and all were working in an undercover capacity, he said.

Shook said the two deputies he had on the team have since left law enforcement, but not because of the beer drinking incident.

He said one got married and wanted to spend time with family, and the other, who came out of retirement to help with the yearlong operation, is back in retirement.

Shook said one of his deputies drank half a beer and the other had two beers with three slices of pizza.

Cherokee County Sheriff Keith Lovin on Monday said one of the deputies involved from his department has since resigned and the other says he didn't drink any of the beer.

Shook said he's not sure what happened to the rest of the 12 pack.

Clay County policy prohibits drinking on the job, County Manager Paul Leek said.

Shook said he's heard from Clay County residents since the incident became public and many are saying they'll forgive him.

He's been in office for two years and said he's focused on fighting drugs. He's worried this mistake will overshadow the efforts his office has made.

“If I have done something wrong, I will take my medicine for it,” he said. “That is the way I was raised. I was raised to tell the truth and do what's right.”

why is this criminal still sheriff?

Mon, 03/23/2009 - 4:18pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

My ex wife was involved with a drug dealer in Ohio and he moved her to Hayesville NC..My son went with her and when he came back he ended up in the mental hospital.He told me before he totally lost his mind that he scored Meth from the police chiefs son and if he told anyone he would be killed...which I have been told that another teen tried to go to the Feds and he accidently ended up DEAD on his way to tell.These guys are as crooked as crooked can be,my son is now messed up for life with brain damage.I fear for my othher childrens safety.Hayesville protects their dealers! FU Hayesville Cops!!!!!!

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 12:56pm Permalink
No to the Gestapo (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I live here in Clay County under the Administration of Sheriff Joe Shook, and I would like the ACLU or our Attorney General of N.C. please look at the amount of roadchecks here in Clay County. I went to roadblock.org which gives a state by state, county by county of the roadchecks that each one has. Clay County (Hayesville N.C.) has a population of around 10,000 and it has as many roadchecks on average with the city of Charlotte N.C. pop 709,000 and Asheville N.C. pop. 77,000. Someone please take notice of this!!

Thu, 10/07/2010 - 11:37pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

The County Police is a joke. To me their like politicions. The more they talk the deeper the s--- gets. All they want to do is put people in jail, guilty or not. Spend alot of money on attorneysand let them figure it out. Dont get me wrong,not all cops are jerks but I could name a couple but I shouldnt. Do the job right or DONT GO TO WORK................

Fri, 04/04/2008 - 1:38pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)


Wed, 04/23/2008 - 8:07am Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Watch out in Volusia County FL and Lake County. Dirty cops keeping large sums of cash and C.I. keeping and re-selling the drugs they stole from you with you going to jail. Is Standard Operating Procedure in these counties and surrounding counties. With no repercussions to C.I., he's free as a bird to sell your stuff, and guess they will never see the inside of a prison cell. If your a cop and you keep the money what does that make you? A criminal?

Sun, 03/22/2009 - 1:08pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

WYOMING greenriver TORY troope dirty as stupid and as far as going to cout forgeit is inbread town were you a guilty and that is that

Wed, 04/01/2009 - 1:30pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

They are every were today we all need to be careful and informed.


Wed, 05/13/2009 - 3:32am Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

I was wrongfully arrested after I was attacked and all most killed in retaliation for my work with the a Federal Law-enforcement agency. I was charged for using mace in self defense during the attack were the aslant was armed with a rifle. I was struck in the head and suffered server injuries including facial fractures, separated retina and a server concussion. After I was knocked unconscious, I was struck with a chain numerous times; the police did not arrest or investigate the incident properly.

It took me six months of complaints to get them to investigate the incident then they tried to cover up for the officer who may have been involved with the persons was that the Federal Law-enforcement agency interested in. While I was incarcerated awaiting trial on this charge, my girlfriend of 12 years was killed under suspicious circumstances, she was the only witness to the incident and the police officer refused to take her statement.

After filing a complaint with the Justice department I was contacted by Chesterfield County Police who then claimed they were working on the case. A homicide detective stated she did not know any reason I was charged and she then charged the person who tried to kill me. Also while checking the court file on this case, I was told by the clerk that there is no criminal complaint form/warrant affidavit in the courts file. The officer waited (10) days to obtained the warrant allegedly based on the statements from the girlfriend of the person who assaulted us and was present and a principle actor.

The officer was aware of our involvement with a Federal Law-enforcement agency and there is a question about his association with the subject who assaulted me. This is involved as you can see. I am considering a civil case against them. I was prevented from attending my partner’s funeral, lost my job and home over their mishandling of this matter. I was all most killed and suffered server injuries from the assault.

I was not treated as a victim or protected as such under Virginia Law. The police have been evasive and now claim the officer did not violate any procedures? The person who assaulted me is now charged with malicious wounding, the trial date has not yet been set. I feel my rights to due process were violated, and that it was a willful act on the part of C.C.P.D to withhold the identity of the person who assaulted me.
The answer to my complaint about the officer and the disregard for my civil rights was as follows.

“As a result of this investigation, it has been determined that the actions of officer XXXXX were lawful and that no procedure violations occurred. The investigative report has been reviewed by the officer’s chain of command, including the Office of the Chief of Police”.

My opinion of their investigation.

The state of evidence now, is susceptible to engineering by
unscrupulous persons with stealthy self-serving agendas, in direct
conflict with the spirit of Constitution of The United States)©


Thu, 05/14/2009 - 7:54pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

just one more thing you may read these comments and think these people are crazy but if you really use your intelligence and think about it all these peopleand their stories are frightfully simular and these people that are suppose to be protecting and serving us use that defense of mental illness to cover up being exposed when I said there were doctors and many others involved and the proof to expose them I mean"t that and there will come a day when someone that can help,will! its just a matter of time. I know that the lord if no one else will bring justice for those people who are suffering right now as I am. my family members whom they murdered over revenge, money and and the threat of possible exposure of the crimes they are committing will be avenged if not by us then by their maker. please don"t write these people off as crazy who are making these comments common sense does every sick person have the same dillusions? just a thought. I know first hand all the possible things that our upper society of public servents and doctors we were raised to believe were somehow better then us in the fact that they chose to serve us and serve the truth,justice and well being of all people but as I found out they are more dangerous then any criminal on the street because they hide behind the degrees and trust they've earned to rob,steal,threaten,and murder all for their own well being and betterment of their own lives.one more thing I am not talking about all of them because there are ones who are not corrupt but unfortunatly they, as one lawyer put it to me ,have to go with the flow a functioning member of society.leave me out then. but everyone answers to the lord and they surely don't believe in the lord and be doing what they are doing to the least of gods children, know that verse? cause they are offending god and god does not like ugly! In memory of my parents and sister who are with the lord now rest in peace.

Wed, 12/02/2009 - 2:12pm Permalink
Anonymous23 (not verified)



Mon, 06/21/2010 - 4:56am Permalink
Anonymous. (not verified)

i myself used to be involved in some underhanded things when i was younger,one day a police officer called me in to talk to him about somthing ,i was hesitant but went he told me some charges i was p on to not say anything they had nothing on me....later on he asked me to meet him again,he was wearing weird clothes in layers and old shoes and was driving an old car he l;ater drove to a parking lot in a remote area..i notices a car off in the distance and it had a bunch of guys i seen before at some drug swaps in it he started flicking hte interior lights on and off as if signaling...when i relized what was going on i said well we better hurry up before my mom calls the police staton asking for you to make sure i am till there meeting you!...he turned and said ..i thought i told you not to tell anyone where you were going,i saidit was past myprobation and they wouldnt let me out if i ddint tell them it was you a polie officer ..jsut then he flciked the lgiht a few more tiems diferntly then took off and dropped me off...i askled him what it was he wanted to talk to me about and he said never mind..... ...   i didnt relize how close i as to being ild that night till a long time after thinking about it every niht...i even wrote it all dopwn in  book and more details and gave it to a lawyer of the family and told him i i ever disapear or die unexpetedly to open it and read it then give it to my family...still to this day i am scared everywhere i go and when i go to bed at night i check the house and maesure my gum is loaded under my pillow.....my life will never be the same

Mon, 09/27/2010 - 2:30am Permalink
frank25 (not verified)

Dont trust any of them, their all the same shit, they all cover up for their crimes,, Their is a Chicago crime loose in Chicago I'm sure they do this all the time because its so easy to do, They get fake victims to make false police reports, They get fake witnesses to make false police reports they plant evidence, commit crimes right in the area to the person their framing,( 3 crimes within 50 feet from my home were committed while this guy Cox was renting my basement) and listen on the persons cell phone to to find out where their going to be and to commit crimes their or make false police reports in that area and they listen in on cell phones to hear what the persons talking about to plan out their crimes this is all proven 100%. 


Im sure this crap happens all the time its so easy to set somebody up. You can buy a spy store scanner and listen in on any cordless or cell phone any where you want, Thats what the Chicago crime ring does everyday and also steals credit card numbers and SS numbers for identity theft, Im sure they got a away with millions of dollars over the years doing this.

Sat, 10/23/2010 - 2:34pm Permalink
joe johnson (not verified)

In a case first reported by ABC 7 and News channel 8 one year ago about stolen fuses a marijuana grow house and a stolen dog in Seat Pleasant MD, a jury reached a partial verdict and a mistrial has been declared for the most serious of the charges.  As reported here Jan 9, 2012  Joe Johnson was accused and charged with stealing fuses from his neighbors property, that case was thrown out for lack of evidence. Mr Johnson did face trial for several drug charges bought by the state due to testimony given by Seat Pleasant Police Officers.  Mr Johnson maintains that the police lied in order to cover up the fact that one of the officers stole his $3000.00 Stud Cane Corso dog. Mr Johnson says the proof that the police lied is in their own testimony. According to Mr Johnson one of the officers, (Officer Whitaker) gave two different versions of what occured on Jan 7 2012.  Mr Johnson says the contradiction in officer Whitakers testimony proves he is a liar, and that he and the arresting officer (Officer Lowery) both lied to cover up their illegal activities of that night.  Both Lowery and Whitaker gave the same testimony at a motions hearing, but at trial Whitakers story changed and Lowery did not testify. Mr Johnson says that Whitakers story changed because he was not on the scene.
According to testimony given by Officers Lowery and Whitaker at the motions hearing, the officers claim they arrived at Mr Johnsons residence and knocked for 15 minutes before Mr Johnson walked out of the back door, Mr Johnson maintains that Officer Lowery entered the residence through an unlocked back door of the home, and that another Officer PFC Perez was at the front door, Officer Perez who is listed as a witness for the State in the case of the stolen fuse never testified and Mr Johnson believes it is because Officer Perez did not wish to be involved in the illegal actions of other officers that evening. Both Officers Whitaker and Lowery  testified at the motions hearing that it was Lowery who was at the back door when Mr Johnson came out, but at the trial Whitaker testified that he was the officer at the back door, that testimony is different from what he said at trial and proves he was not on the scene when Mr Johnson was arrested.  Mr Johnson also does not believe any dog was called to search the property as reported by the Seat Pleasant Mayor in a newsletter and an email to the press.
Mr Johnson says the Mayor and the police claim that Sadie the Seat Pleasant K-9 gave a signal that there may be drugs on the premises.
Mr Johnson says "that is also a lie Officer Whitaker arrived on the scene after I was placed in cuffs and inside the police cruiser and told the other officers lets do a walkthrough and the officers searched the outside and inside the house".  According to Mr Johnson the Mayors Newsletter was a scare tactic designed to try and stop him for reporting his dog stolen. I don't even think that Seat Pleasant has a K9 I think that was a sham, I have called the Seat Pleasant Police Dept, City Hall and have been to the Fire department and have been told every time that Seat Pleasant does no have a K9, and that they depend on the PG County K9 when they require K9 services.  Mr Johnson was 100% sure officer stole his dog, but when he went to get a report from the Seat pleasant Police Department and saw a poster advertising Cane Corso dogs for sale from a local breeder, Im now 200% sure one the officers stole my dog and when I tried to report it they refused file the report, told me my dog ran away and that me I would be arrested for filing a false report, I called 911 and told the operator to send a County officer because the Seat Pleasant officer refused to take the report, they sent another Seat Pleasant officer and he reluctantly filed the report. 

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 1:56pm Permalink
joe johnson (not verified)

In a case first reported by ABC 7 and News channel 8 one year ago about stolen fuses a marijuana grow house and a stolen dog in Seat Pleasant MD, a jury reached a partial verdict and a mistrial has been declared for the most serious of the charges.  As reported here Jan 9, 2012  Joe Johnson was accused and charged with stealing fuses from his neighbors property, that case was thrown out for lack of evidence. Mr Johnson did face trial for several drug charges bought by the state due to testimony given by Seat Pleasant Police Officers.  Mr Johnson maintains that the police lied in order to cover up the fact that one of the officers stole his $3000.00 Stud Cane Corso dog. Mr Johnson says the proof that the police lied is in their own testimony. According to Mr Johnson one of the officers, (Officer Whitaker) gave two different versions of what occured on Jan 7 2012.  Mr Johnson says the condradiction in officer Whitakers testimony proves he is a liar, and that he and the arresting officer (Officer Lowery) both lied to cover up their illegal activities of that night.  Both Lowery and Whitaker gave the same testimony at a motions hearing, but at trial Whitakers story changed and Lowery did not testify. Mr Johnson says that Whitakers story changed because he was not on the scene.
According to testimony given by Officers Lowery and Whitaker at the motions hearing, the officers claim they arrived at Mr Johnsons residence and knocked for 15 minutes before Mr Johnson walked out of the back door, Mr Johnson maintains that Officer Lowery entered the residence through an unlocked back door of the home, and that another Officer PFC Perez was at the front door, Officer Perez who is listed as a witness for the State in the case of the stolen fuse never testified and Mr Johnson believes it is because Officer Perez did not wish to be involved in the illegal actions of other officers that evening. Both Officers Whitaker and Lowery  testified at the motions hearing that it was Lowery who was at the back door when Mr Johnson came out, but at the trial Whitaker testified that he was the officer at the back door, that testimony is different from what he said at trial and proves he was not on the scene when Mr Johnson was arrested.  Mr Johnson also does not believe any dog was called to search the property as reported by the Seat Pleasant Mayor in a newsletter and an email to the press.
Mr Johnson says the Mayor and the police claim that Sadie the Seat Pleasant K-9 gave a signal that there may be drugs on the premises.
Mr Johnson says "that is also a lie Officer Whitaker arrived on the scene after I was placed in cuffs and inside the police cruiser and told the other officers lets do a walkthrough and the officers searched the outside and inside the house".  According to Mr Johnson the Mayors Newsletter was a scare tactic designed to try and stop him for reporting his dog stolen. I don't even think that Seat Pleasant has a K9 I think that was a sham, I have called the Seat Pleasant Police Dept, City Hall and have been to the Fire department and have been told every time that Seat Pleasant does no have a K9, and that they depend on the PG County K9 when they require K9 services.  Mr Johnson was 100% sure officer stole his dog, but when he went to get a report from the Seat pleasant Police Department and saw a poster advertising Cane Corso dogs for sale from a local breeder, Im now 200% sure one the officers stole my dog and when I tried to report it they refused file the report, told me my dog ran away and that me I would be arrested for filing a false report, I called 911 and told the operator to send a County officer because the Seat Pleasant officer refused to take the report, they sent another Seat Pleasant officer and he reluctantly filed the report. 

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 1:59pm Permalink
DT (not verified)

"Agent" Schmidt (badge number 1014) of the Palm Beach Sheriff Office openly solicited to be paid money in exchange for making a case "go away" (when in fact he had already gone and demanded HIPAA-protected medical records from a physician without warrant or subpoena).

Somebody please get creeps like this off the street - Agent Schmidt is clear proof that the police, judges and courts are thoroughly corrupt, and even that it is impossible to trust one's own physician with personal information in this state.

Tue, 04/30/2013 - 12:42pm Permalink
CorruptPBSO (not verified)

I've had dealings with this same "agent" Schmidt.

He openly solicits bribe money, and if you can't cough up the cash you'd better be prepared to cough up your liberty and freedom.

In Palm Beach county, there's no shortage of cops stealing from immigrants and openly accepting other bribes.  It's like living in a third world country.  Good riddance to white trash scum the likes of agent Schmidt.

"Agent" Schmidt needs to be taken off the street, have the BS job he has taken away, and his family left to rot in the gutter where he was found.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 6:36pm Permalink
CorruptPBSO (not verified)

I've had dealings with this same "agent" Schmidt.

He openly solicits bribe money, and if you can't cough up the cash you'd better be prepared to cough up your liberty and freedom.

In Palm Beach county, there's no shortage of cops stealing from immigrants and openly accepting other bribes.  It's like living in a third world country.  Good riddance to white trash scum the likes of agent Schmidt.

"Agent" Schmidt needs to be taken off the street, have the BS job he has taken away, and his family left to rot in the gutter where he was found.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 6:37pm Permalink
CorruptPBSO (not verified)


I've had dealings with this same "agent" Schmidt.

He openly solicits bribe money, and if you can't cough up the cash you'd better be prepared to cough up your liberty and freedom.

In Palm Beach county, there's no shortage of cops stealing from immigrants and openly accepting other bribes.  It's like living in a third world country.  Good riddance to white trash scum the likes of agent Schmidt.

"Agent" Schmidt needs to be taken off the street, have the BS job he has taken away, and his family left to rot in the gutter where he was found.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 6:38pm Permalink

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2007/may/03/weekly_weeks_corrupt_cops_storie