DRCNet Book Offer: Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug War Statistics
Alert: Write Congress to End the Crack/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity!
Feature: Blacks, Hispanics More Likely to Be Searched at Traffic Stops -- But That Is Not Proof of Racial Profiling, Justice Department Claims
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released a report showing black and Hispanic drivers are more likely to be subjected to vehicle searches than whites, but it says it can't conclude racial profiling is to blame. It also lacks some key numbers that could make the case.
Feature: US Sentencing Commission Announces Reduction in Crack Cocaine Sentences
The US Sentencing Commission has adjusted sentencing guidelines to allow crack offenders to get a little less time in federal prison. Meanwhile, the pressure mounts for Congress to address the infamous crack-powder cocaine sentencing disparity.
Feature: Guilty Pleas Only the Beginning in Aftermath of Atlanta "Drug Raid" Killing of 92-Year Old
Two Atlanta narcotics officers have pleaded guilty in the November drug raid death of 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston, but it looks like that's just the beginning of problems for the Atlanta narcotics squad.
Weekly: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
It's a real motley crew this week: a small-town police chief gone bad, cops escorting drug shipments, and, of course, more crooked prison guards.
Pain Medicine: Dr. Hurwitz Convicted of 16 Counts in Retrial
In a victory for federal prosecutors waging war on pain doctors they consider little more than drug dealers, Northern Virginia pain specialist Dr. Bill Hurwitz was found guilty of 16 counts of drug distribution in his second trial.
Resource: New Web Site Provides In-Depth Pro and Con Information on Felon Voting Issue
One of the hot topics in the criminal justice reform arena these days is felony disenfranchisement. An in-depth web site launched this week now provides pro and con arguments on the issue from more than 80 authorities.
Alert: Do You Live in AK, CO, CT, GA, IL, IA, KS, MD, MA, NH, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, RI, TN, UT, VT, WA or WY? If So, We Need Your Help
E-mails and phone calls are urgently needed to certain US senators to help repeal a bad law at the juncture of drug policy and education.
Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
In addition to the weekly reporting you see here in the Chronicle, DRCNet also features daily content in the way of blogging, news links, redistributed press releases and announcements from our allies and more.
Book Offer: Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug War Statistics
An important new book debunks literally years of statistical legerdemain by the nation's central drug policy office -- and is DRCNet's latest premium for our members.
Methamphetamine: Senators Feinstein and Grassley Introduce Bill to Heighten Penalties for Meth Dealers Who Flavor Their Product
Reacting to reports of flavored methamphetamine entering the market, two senators have introduced a bill that would increase prison sentences for anyone who flavors a drug to lure children.
Medical Marijuana: By a Veto-Proof Margin, Rhode Island Legislature Passes Bill to Keep It
Rhode Island is set to make its medical marijuana law permanent, after a bill to do so passed both houses of the legislature this week by veto-proof margins.
Medical Marijuana: Minnesota Bill Passes Senate, House Version Moving Too
The Minnesota medical marijuana bill has passed the state Senate and is moving in the House, but the Republican governor is vowing a veto.
Marijuana: It's That Time Again -- Marijuana Marches Set for Saturday in More Than 200 Cities Worldwide
If it's the first Saturday in May, it's time for the annual global marijuana marches. This year, people in 231 cities will take to the streets to free the weed.
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Announcement: DRCNet Content Syndication Feeds Now Available for YOUR Web Site!
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Announcement: DRCNet RSS Feeds Now Available
A new way for you to receive DRCNet articles -- Drug War Chronicle and more -- is now available.
Announcement: New Format for the Reformer's Calendar
Visit our new web site each day to see a running countdown to the events coming up the soonest, and more.
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