Two New Jersey Moms Sue Over Failed Drug Tests Caused by Poppy Seed Bagels [FEATURE]

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #1183)

Two New Jersey women who ate poppy seed bagels before going to the hospital to give birth, and were then reported for possible child abuse or neglect after testing positive for opiates, have filed complaints with state officials charging that the hospital that conducted the tests did so without their knowledge or consent. In doing so the hospital violated the state's law against discrimination on the basis of sex and pregnancy, they argued.

[image:1 align:left caption:true]In their complaints, the two women, referred to as Kaitlin K. and Kate L., charge that Hackensack University Medical Center and Virtua Voorhees Hospital subjected them to drug tests without their knowledge, and when their test results came back positive, reported them to the state Department of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP).

Both women and their families were subjected to traumatic investigations by the DCPP during what should have been joyful first months with their new infants, shattering their trust in medical personnel and causing fear of further unnecessary intrusions by the state, their complaints say.

They are seeking to force both hospitals to end what they call an unlawful practice, as well as compensatory damages for emotional distress. They are being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey. Their case is the latest in which patients in several states -- including in New York, Illinois, and Pennsylvania -- have filed cases to challenge similar hospital practices, resulting in policy changes and monetary damages.

"No one should be subjected to unnecessary and nonconsensual drug tests. Our clients are sending a clear message to hospitals that these testing and reporting policies are unacceptable," said ACLU-NJ Staff Attorney Molly Linhorst. "Discriminatory testing policies like these upend what should be a time of joy for families, and so often subject them to further trauma and unwarranted investigation by the state."

"I felt like they were questioning my character and parenting skills," said Kate L. "I'm terrified of ever going to a hospital again; I'm always going to worry that our family could be torn apart. That's why we are doing all we can to stop this from happening to anyone else."

"I feel violated. This whole ordeal has been extremely stressful and has turned our lives upside down and now, because of what happened, I live in fear of medical tests and how they might be used against me as a mother," said Kaitlin K. "I found out later that the lab used a testing threshold far, far lower than what the federal government uses."

Maternal drug testing is not only discriminatory, but it and the decision on whether to report a positive result are also permeated with racial bias, with healthcare professionals are more likely to administer drug tests on pregnant Black women and their babies.

The practice is also opposed by health care providers who warn that it can deter people from seeking medical care during and after pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists specifically rejects drug testing in part of the legal consequences a positive test result can unleash.

Poppy seeds can lead to positive test results for opiates. "Research shows that morphine and codeine can sometimes be detected in the urine up to 48 hours after ingestion of poppy seeds from some pastries, such as bagels, muffins, and cakes," says the href="" target=_blank_>US Anti-Doping Agency, the national organization for US Olympic sports.

But positive drug tests from poppy seed bagels would not be a problem if doctors and hospitals were not doing such testing on patients without their knowledge or consent and with no good medical reason. Perhaps having to pay damages for the harm they inflicted on these two women will cause those hospitals to think twice.

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