Chronicle AM: CA Legalization Progress Report, DC Seed Share Event Draws Hundreds, More (3/27/15)

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #880)

Check out the progress report on pot legalization in California, DC's seed share event draws big crowd, more delays for CBD in Florida, medical marijuana bills move in New Jersey, and more.

Marijuana Policy

[image:1 align:right caption:true]Here's the California Legalization Progress Report. The Blue Ribbon Commission on Marijuana Policy, headed by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has released its initial progress report and identified three key issues to be addressed: protecting children and youth, ensuring public safety, and establishing tax and regulation schemes that will maximize revenue while eliminating the illicit market. The report's release also signals the beginning of the public phase of the commission's work, which will include a series of public forums across the state, in addition to the launch of the commission's website at

DC Cannabis Campaign's Seed Giveaway Draws Hundreds. The "seed share" event, where growers could trade seeds and others could obtain them for free, drew hundreds of people to Northwest Washington's Adams-Morgan neighborhood Thursday. The event was held at the Libertine Bar, and the line to get in stretched for blocks. Under DC law, people can possess and grow their own pot, but they can't buy it at the store. Another seed share was set for this afternoon.

Medical Marijuana

More Delays for Florida's CBD Medical Marijuana Program. A Central Florida grower and a South Florida trade association are the latest to file legal challenges to the state Health Department's rules for the program. The program envisions only five growers, and the competition is vicious. Now, there are three active legal challenges, which means the department cannot proceed with the program until they are resolved. This is after an earlier delay caused by an earlier legal challenge.

New Jersey Assembly Approves Adding PTSD, Letting Dispensaries Share, Challenges Christie Rules. Legislators in Trenton Thursday approved adding PTSD to the list of qualifying diseases, and then some. They also approved ACR 224, which would undo the Christie rule that doctors who recommend medical marijuana must be publicly listed and A 4286, which allows dispensaries to share surpluses. The bills now go to the state Senate.

Heroin and Opiates

New Jersey Assembly Approves Bill on Prescription Opiates. The Assembly Thursday passed S 2372, which seeks to increase the coordination of state efforts to combat prescription opiate abuse and illegal use. The bill also authorizes the attorney general to conduct training of law enforcement officials and medical professionals on how to detect prescription drug diversion. The bill has already passed the Senate and now goes to the governor's desk.

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