Europe: Dutch Left Greens Open Pro-Marijuana Web Site

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #476)
Consequences of Prohibition
Politics & Advocacy

Two Dutch Left Green (GroenLinks) politicians have opened a web site to promote marijuana and its legal use and enjoyment. The Weed Map web site includes a search tool that locates all of Holland's coffee shops, as the country's marijuana bars are colloquially known. Coffee shop locations are marked with a pot leaf logo, moving one's mouse over which causes a window with the shop's street address to pop up.

[inline:weedmap.jpg align=left caption="Weed Map web site in use -- partial screenshot"]Left Green politicians David Rietveld and Koen Martens opened the web site because they want marijuana to be available to all "because smoking cannabis is pleasant," as the site says. "Smoking cannabis should simply be allowed. Always and everywhere. Because it is pleasant and in many respects better than alcohol, for example. Better for people's health and better for society."

But that isn't always the case, even in Holland, the site warns. "Some places do not offer the possibility of using cannabis. It is up to you to join us in charting these problem areas. Then we can urge councils to make sure coffee shops are within everybody's reach for once and for all."

The site was set up to parody the Weed Free anti-marijuana web site set up by the ruling Christian Democrats (CDA). "The CDA website states that cannabis use may be linked to psychological complaints," Rietveld told reporters over the weekend. "There is insufficient scientific evidence to support this, however."


Anonymous (not verified)

Genesis 1:29

G-d said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food. And 30".

Once upon a time the UN + US started a fite with G-d over Genesis 1:29.

Who is winning????

Tue, 03/13/2007 - 1:37am Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

I had been looking for that quote from the BOOK. What's the beef Belgium, scared of the work it would take to organize and regulate? Easier to operate under the current regime and dis the future? You're not playing fair, Screwups. You can't have your book and change it too
This books already been written.

Fri, 04/27/2007 - 6:04pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Even if this is true... If only psychological complaints were the worst society has to deal with from alcohol use!!! Get real, Netherlands Christians Democrats, your drug is linked to many kinds of violence and cannabis is linked to none.

Tue, 05/22/2007 - 10:39am Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Okay .Smoking it would be out of the equation for me since I no longer will smoke. .. anything!
Recreational smoking stopped with me years ago, way after the 'love summer''. And due to the abuse, and my Christian faith, I won't need to use pot. However, I am wise in the Word and must admit that I realize many things that the body has gone through might require this as proven. I wouldn't think it as terrible a thing ong as it is in pill or herbal -tea form and prescribed. Being predisposed to alcoholism, I would think that it could be the medicine most needed if proven.

Hopefully, this won't be taken out of context as to what I meant.

Thu, 09/11/2008 - 12:19am Permalink

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