Legalize/Decriminalize Marijuana, Canadians Say
The Canadian public strongly supports reforming the country's marijuana laws, according to a new Forum Research poll. The survey found that 69% either want to see marijuana legalized, taxed, and regulated or see the possession of small amounts decriminalized.
[image:1 align:left]The poll comes just weeks after Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau called for legalization, bringing new life to the long-running debate on pot policy north of the border. It also comes just a week after Canadian police chiefs called for decriminalization, although they didn't want to use that word, instead preferring to say they wanted a "ticketing option."
Support for legalization was slightly higher (36%) than for decriminalization (34%), but the combined support for pot law reform was far ahead of support for the status quo (15%) or increasing marijuana penalties (13%). Only 3% were undecided.
Among political parties, support was strongest among self-described Liberals (76%), followed by New Democrats (72%), and even 61% of Conservatives. The Conservative government of Prime Minister Steven Harper has positioned itself as the party of cracking down on marijuana, but the ministers might want to check in with their base.
The poll also asked respondents whether Trudeau's recent admission that he had smoked pot while a Member of Parliament would affect their vote. Nearly two-thirds (63%) said it did not matter, while one in five (21%) said they would be less likely to vote for him. Conversely, 14% said they would be more likely to vote for him.
"Justin Trudeau is ahead of the zeitgeist on this issue, and the government's disapproval of his position is a strength he can play to in the coming months. Decriminalization or legalization has majority support right across the country, even among Conservative voters, and there appears to be little downside to this issue for him," said Forum Research President Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.
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Jack Layton and the Green party
I once joined the green party of Canada because they were the only party courageous enough to push cannabis legalisation.Then Jack Layton did appearances with Marc Emery and took the NDP into pro pot territory.Now Justin Trudeau has made his calculations and we can only hope he won't be another Barack Obama and go rogue after being elected PM.I have now joined the Liberal Party of Canada.This from a guy who's Grandmother was personal secretary for Tommy Douglas.Beating Stephen Harper has become a matter of survival for our country.The Canada of Harper is not the Canada of memory.You don't see foreigners wanting canadian maple leaf back packs like you used to.
What do Canadians mingle
What do Canadians mingle about cannabis legalization in their country? That's not their affair, USA decide.
An issue for all
In reply to "Why do Canadians mingle?" Marijuana legalization is a topic for all. We grow more hemp and Mary Jane than the US. This is important for our economy and our people. Sitting back and letting the Americans decide what's best for us isn't the right choice. More than half of the population is pro- legalization. Let's get the ball rolling. And keep foreign policy out of this.
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