What Everyone Needs to Know About Washington State's Marijuana Legalization Consultants
Dear friends,
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Last year we began to offer the book "Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know" as an option for members donating $35 or more. This week it was announced that a policy firm headed by one of the authors of the book, Prof. Mark Kleiman, had won Washington State's contract to do analysis related to the implementation of I-502, and that the book's other authors would be part of that team. It was a big news item this week, on CNN and other outlets, and I blogged about it here and here. The discussion has included concerns reformers have raised about some of Kleiman's past statements about state legalization, and Kleiman's response to that.
We continue to offer this book, as well as the other items we offered it together with: the book Drugs, Insecurity and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition and the DVD Lynching Charlie Lynch. (Follow the links above for Drug War Chronicle reviews of each of these works.) I've found Kleiman et al's book to be pretty valuable, even while disagreeing with some things, and it certainly will offer some clues as to where they might go with their recommendations to the state. When those recommendations come out, we'll undoubtedly have some things to say -- reading the book would be a great way to prepare.
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Donate $35 or more to StoptheDrugWar.org and you will be eligible for a complimentary copy of "Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know" or one of the other items. Donate $65 or more and you'll be eligible for any two. Donate $95 or more and you can receive all three. Other offers we've announced continue to be available too.
(Each of these items, and each combination along with other available items, can be found in the "membership premiums" section of our online donation form, under the indicated minimum total. Many older items are also still available, as you'll see on the form, some for as little as $15.)
At a time like this -- when people are talking about drug policy like never before -- the movement's internet strategy is also more important than ever before. So please support our work with a generous donation by credit card or PayPal today. You can also donate by mail or give stocks -- info below.
Lastly, please note that even with a nonprofit, bulk discount, we spend a significant amount to purchase these items and send them to you -- if you can afford to donate more than the minimum, or to supplement your donation with a continuing monthly contribution, I hope you'll consider doing so. If gift items are not important to you, I hope you'll consider sending a donation that's entirely for our work.
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Donations to our organization can be made online at http://stopthedrugwar.org/donate, or they can be mailed to: DRCNet Foundation (tax-deductible), P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036; or Drug Reform Coordination Network (non-deductible for lobbying), same address. (Note that selecting gift items will reduce the amount of your donation that is tax-deductible, by the items' retail value.)
If you wish to donate stock, the information to give your brokerage is Ameritrade, (800) 669-3900), DTC #0188, and account number 781926492 for tax-deductible gifts or 864663500 for non-deductible gifts -- please make sure to contact us if donating in this way.
Thank you for supporting the Drug War Chronicle newsletter and StoptheDrugWar.org's work engaging the debate at this pivotal time in drug policy reform.
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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