Drug War Chronicle #769 - January 31, 2013

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
Czech senate chamber
Czech senate chamber

Czech Parliament Approves Medical Marijuana

The Czech parliament has approved a medical marijuana bill, and the Czech president is expected to sign it, but patient advocates have some problems with some of its provisions.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_67.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_67.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The agonizingly slow pace of implementing medical marijuana laws is causing problems in several states, while in California, the never-ending battles continue.

FDA Panel Wants Tighter Control over Pain Pills

It may soon be harder for patients to get access to hydrocodone-based pain relievers like Vicodin after an FDA advisory panel recommended moving them from Schedule III to Schedule II in an effort to prevent overdoses and addiction.
marijuana bud wikimedia_5.jpg
marijuana bud wikimedia_5.jpg

New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed

A bipartisan marijuana legalization bill has been rolled out in New Hampshire. That's one of at least six states where similar bills have been or will be filed this year.
NCAA game, North Carolina v. Michigan State, 2005 (courtesy Haaron755 on Wikimedia.org)
NCAA game, North Carolina v. Michigan State, 2005 (courtesy Haaron755 on Wikimedia.org)

NCAA to Tighten Up Marijuana Testing, But Reduce Penalties

College athletes who like to toke up, take note! The NCAA is making it easier for you to test positive and, while it will lower the penalty, that lower penalty won't take effect for another year.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Narcs gone bad, evidence gone missing, cops gone over to the other side, and another jailer in trouble. Just another week in the drug war.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/769