DEA, State Cops Raid Legal Michigan Medical Marijuana Grows [FEATURE]

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #662)
Drug War Issues

Once again, this time last week in Michigan, the federal DEA has teamed up with recalcitrant state and local law enforcement in a bid to negate the will of the public and the law of the land. Heavily-armed state and federal lawmen raided a pair of medical marijuana gardens in the town of Okemos, outside Lansing, breaking windows, throwing smoke grenades, and seizing thousands of dollars worth of equipment and medical marijuana plants -- all in a raid of a facility that is undeniably within the confines of Michigan's medical marijuana law.

[image:1 align:left caption:true]The gardens subleased to two individual caregivers by Capital City Care Givers in nearby Lansing contained a total of 40 marijuana plants. Under the Michigan law, caregivers can grow up to 12 plants each for up to five patients, as well as growing 12 plants for themselves if they are patients. That means the two caregivers should have been legally protected in growing up to 72 plants each, or 144 in total.

The apparent hole in the law that the DEA and the state police could be seeking to exploit is that the law does not directly address the issue of conjoined grows. It says only that caregivers can grow up to 12 plants for up to five patients and does not address more than one caregiver growing under the same roof. On the other hand, the law does not forbid such activities.

"This was an operation of the state police and the DEA," said Detroit medical marijuana activist Tim Beck. "The state police couldn’t even get a warrant from a local judge, so the DEA had to get one from a federal judge in Grand Rapids. The state police claim that they are captives of the local prosecutor, but in this case, the local prosecutor didn't cooperate with them, so they went around him to the feds."

"We were completely in compliance with the law," said Ryan Basore, proprietor of Capitol City Care Givers, whose grow was hit. "We had contacted the local, county, and state police, and they all gave the go ahead and said we were doing it legally. We had two different attorneys write up the leases and go through plant counts and make sure everything was correctly separated. Every caregiver was well under the limit."

That didn't stop the DEA, the state police, and the Tri-county Metro Narcotics Squad from behaving as if they were busting an Al Qaeda cell. Raiding agents threw smoke bombs in the building, paraded around with AK-47s, and stole the marijuana being grown by legally compliant caregivers. When asked about the Holder memo, the agents acted as if they were above the law. "Obama is not our president," Basore reported the agents saying."The people wanted change," Basore overheard another agent say as they effectively laughed in the face of their own superiors.

"All I can tell you is that this is an ongoing investigation in which we procured the search warrant," said Detroit DEA spokesman Special Agent Rich Isaacson. "Just because someone makes a claim that it is medical marijuana doesn't make it so."

When asked about the October 2009 Justice Department memo urging the DEA to quit going after medical marijuana patients and providers in states where it is legal, Isaacson appeared to agree with the memo, but then suggested Capital Caregivers was somehow outside the state law. "If it's unambiguous that they're following state law, there would be better ways for the department to spend its resources," he said.

"Our mission is to target large scale drug trafficking groups," Isaacson said, but clammed up when confronted with the fact that the raids had seized only 40 plants. "That number may or may not be accurate," was all he would say.

Basore has been a prominent figure in the state's medical marijuana movement. He is a member of various cannabis patient groups and the Michigan Association of Compassionate Care Centers. He's been available to local and state media, and as a result, he has a very high profile. That could have been why he was targeted, his supporters suggested.

"This raid came about because Ryan Basore was in the media for the past few weeks talking about his desire to have regulated dispensaries," said Detroit attorney Matthew Abel. "He is a very successful businessman in this industry, and I think they just decided to take him down. They do that to anyone who goes public, and that's highly retaliatory against our First Amendment rights. He was talking to the press, so they took him out. That's pretty nasty."

"Ryan is high-profile, he's politically active and on TV all the time, but he's also scrupulously honest," said Beck. "That operation was absolutely straight up," he said.

"We're very troubled by the continuing raids involving the DEA that are occurring around the country, and we've been saying this for a long time," said Kris Hermes, a spokesman for the medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access. "It is not the purview of the federal government to enforce state or local laws. If the feds believe state or local law may have been violated, they should leave those cases to the state to prosecute. Only then we will find out if there were in fact violations of state or local law, because if those cases go to federal court, prosecutors will not risk opening the door to a medical marijuana defense," he said.

"The DEA conducts these raids and provides very little evidence of state law violations," said Hermes. "They rarely, if ever, produce any actual physical evidence of state law violations."

It's not just Michigan where the DEA is acting out, said Hermes. "We've seen well over 20 DEA raids since Justice issued its memo, and while that is for sure a less aggressive posture than the Bush administration, any raids are unacceptable if they are going to undermine the implementation of a state's medical marijuana law," he said. "That has been the effect in California and Colorado, where the DEA attempts to undermine the state medical marijuana law," Hermes argued.

"US attorneys have received notice that there was a change in policy, and that has filtered down to DEA agents across the country in medical marijuana states," Hermes continued. "Eric Holder and the Obama administration have given pretty broad latitude to use discretion in enforcing federal marijuana laws in medical marijuana states, and it's mostly US attorneys and DEA field agents who consider their targets to be violating state or local law. The shadow of the Justice Department memo is coloring enforcement actions, and hopefully we'll see fewer raids in the future, but it's that discretion that has resulted in the continuing raids."

"The DEA has been all over Michigan trying to subvert this law, running around recommending that municipalities pass laws saying that any activity which is contrary to state local or federal law is also illegal," Beck noted.  "That is being challenged in court by the ACLU."

For Basore, it's not just about picking up the pieces and starting over. "I'm thinking about suing the state of Michigan, said Basore. "I think I have an entrapment case. I would never have broken the law unless I was told it was okay to do, and some of those who told me it was okay were in on the raids."

And it is full speed ahead, recalcitrant state police and DEA be damned. "We haven't been charged with anything, we're legal to grow in Michigan, and our patients need their medicine," said Basore. "If they are going to rob us at gunpoint again, they're going to do it. But we'll keep doing what we're doing, we have the law on our side."

The feds don't even have to prosecute to have inflict severe pain, Abel said. "They clean you out, and then where are you?"

"There will be bankruptcies filed because of this," said Basore. "Most of our caregivers are in the their 60s, and they're not rich."

The DEA and reactionary state law enforcement officials are once again showing serious signs of thinking they are above the law. Someone needs to rein them in, whether through lawsuits, in the streets, or at the ballot box.


denbee (not verified)

What is needed is another voter initiative.  This time full legalization.  That would solve this problem once and for all and stuff it down the enforcement cartels throat.  They grew fat on marijuana prohibition but they really need to slim up a bit and get back to real crime.  Legalize it, regulate it and tax it.  Just like alcohol.  End this crazy reefer madness.  Where do I sign?

Wed, 12/08/2010 - 6:54pm Permalink
gtr5555 (not verified)

In reply to by denbee (not verified)

I agree that it is time to legalize it. Just for the reason to allow the police to focus on illegal activities. I seems like full legalization is really the only way to protect the small portion of people that need it for medical use. Also why is the Governor allowing a federal police agency to coop the states resources against the states citizens?
Wed, 12/08/2010 - 9:05pm Permalink
tf436 (not verified)

In reply to by denbee (not verified)

    Thank you for contacting me about the legalization of marijuana.  I appreciate hearing your views on the subject.

     I do not support the legalization of marijuana.  Legalization would belie the seriousness of the social, health and economic costs of drug use.  In addition, some experts believe that this approach would lead to an increase in drug abuse, which our country simply cannot afford.  The United States Chamber of Commerce estimates that lost productivity, accidents, higher medical claims, increased absenteeism and theft of property resulting from drug abuse by workers already cost employers billions of dollars each year.
     While Congress cannot simply legislate an end to the drug problem in this country, we can make things more difficult for the drug growers and traffickers, encourage reductions in the demand for drugs through education, and address the social costs of drug abuse by improving treatment and rehabilitation programs.
     Best Wishes.
Carl Levin
Sun, 12/19/2010 - 1:27am Permalink
Joe Public (not verified)

In reply to by tf436 (not verified)


   With all due respect, are you retarded, or just on the take?! The war on marijuana has failed miserably and takes cops attention away from the real criminals. As long as marijuana is illegal, the cartels will continue to operate, kill, and profit. The war on drugs has done absolutely no good whatsoever. Quit selling out your own country for your own personal gain. Crooked politicians' days are severely numbered. You guys have seriously pissed the American people off, and we're going to start making things right. You politicians seem to have forgotten long ago that, you work for and are paid by (peanuts I'm sure, compared to the crooked dollars you guys pocket) by your constituency. We are flat out tired of your crooked asses. Time to send you criminals to JAIL, where you belong!! In other words, it's time to take the trash!

Sat, 04/09/2011 - 2:33am Permalink
Anonymous Bob (not verified)

In reply to by denbee (not verified)

Love the photo of people holding the signs that read : Patients are not criminals.  No being a patient does not make you a criminal.  Using or growing pot illegally is?  Guess these morons follow the same logic as the nuts who think Illegal Aliens are not illegal, but victims of hate.  Only democrats could rationalize such ridiculous thoughts.

Thu, 02/24/2011 - 10:05pm Permalink
tudronald (not verified)

I stand behind the actions of Ryan Basore, the Capital City Caregivers, and anyone else who is doing the same. The government is going to do what they want until the people who truly run the government, The People of The United States of America, say "This is enough!". The way to do this is through organization and the sharing of information. We have to come together for our cause. If you are a patient, I say don't stop there. If you are able, become and advocate for the power of you medicine and what it does for you. If you don't need to use medical marijuana, but feel that it is the right for a person to do so, please allow that to be reflected when you make your decision on whom you vote for. Hopefully you will never be in a position where you need the healing power of cannabis, but if you don't do something today, you may not have that choice in the future.

local patient and grower

please visit the link below

Wed, 12/08/2010 - 7:11pm Permalink
mary jane (not verified)

 The history channel has said the AK-47s are known to be the weapon of choice for the bad guys and that they are inaccurate. So why is law enforcement running around with weapons that are inaccurate and not standard issue for law enforcement? Throwing smoke grenades and breaking windows,trashing the place, going out of their way to get a warrant, and pissing on the president. Maybe they would rather be called the SS of law enforcement!    

Wed, 12/08/2010 - 8:39pm Permalink
McD (not verified)

In reply to by mary jane (not verified)

Yes, I agree - this struck me, as well - it is most peculiar. Although you've been misinformed about the accuracy of the AK-47, it is most unusual for US forces to use them. You'll find them just about everywhere else in the world, because they are by far the best value for money. The Americans, however, have always pretended they could make guns, as well, like the M-16, etc. Most peculiar to see them using AK-47's. Perhaps they're getting ready for the end of prohibition by saving a few bucks on guns, hoping they'll then be able to put the money towards keeping someone employed for a bit longer?

Sun, 12/12/2010 - 10:39am Permalink
dirty dirty (not verified)

sounds like a job for the state militia up there. i know michigan has em', pretty good ones made up of some good ol' boys that support cannabis and personal freedoms. maybe time to tapped into a new resource, if the DEA thinks they can break a state law that the PEOPLE have voted on. if NO ONE stands up for us, who the HELL is gonna do it???/!!!! i'm very very very concerned

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 12:57pm Permalink
Anonymous2255 (not verified)

In reply to by dirty dirty (not verified)

And where the heck was the country sheriff?


Violating his oath of office as usual?

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 8:13pm Permalink
dirty dirty (not verified)

oh and one more thing these raids, are our Reefer Madness. watch our children will wonder what the hell was going on here!! bet!

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 12:58pm Permalink
PabloKoh (not verified)

At least no one was killed by law enforcement.  Michigan cops have a history of death when it comes to Marijuana activists.  For those of you who have never heard the story of Rainbow Farm look it up.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 1:53pm Permalink
WJM51 (not verified)

This just shows that once you give someone power, they will abuse it whenever possible. These dirtbag DEA scum have been told by their BOSS to stop screwing with people, and what do they do? Just the opposite. Way to go DEA. And you think we are gong to believe that YOU are acting with any honor at all? Sorry. You are the LEAST honorable people I've ever had to deal with. There isn't one of you who wouldn't kill his grandmother if she had the gall to use medical cannabis.

Time to ABOLISH the DEA once and for all. They are proving themselves every day to be a rogue agency, they are out of control, they routinely destroy more than they help. It's kind of their job. Time for them to go. They are NOT the answer, they are the PROBLEM. ANY mediocre student of history will be able to tell you that. It's INSANITY that they are allowed to continue.

The politicians will NEVER give this power back, it's up to US to TAKE it back. They need to get the hell out of my bladder, by lungs, and my bloodstream. Those things are MINE. They have NO business claiming ownership like they have been for decades. I am NOT property of the state, I am a CITIZEN, an OWNER of this society, a free being. Time to tell these nanny state authoritarians to go to hell and make sure they do.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 3:12pm Permalink
Gamesmedic (not verified)

In reply to by WJM51 (not verified)

There is only one problem with your statement. You are NOT a citizen.Your prose demonstrates that you are by far an intelligent individual. You are a natural inhabitant. The problem we face is that we have a mafia organization masquerading as law enforcement. If anyone was to research the subject, federal "authorities" only have jurisdiction involving interstate crimes. They do not have authority over intrastate activities! They are outside of their jurisdiction! SUE, SUE, SUE!!!!!

Sun, 12/12/2010 - 2:19pm Permalink
Clearview (not verified)

Does anyone REALLY believe the DEA is out of control? The President has the means to control them if he had any desire to.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 4:04pm Permalink
harry m (not verified)

In reply to by Clearview (not verified)

Obama needs to live up to his word. Reign these rogues in.  It's ridiculous...In CA OR and WA they don't do anything like this. Maybe full legalization is the only answer. Someone needs a class action lawsuit against the DEA and the state authorities who cooperated with them.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 8:04pm Permalink
evergreen (not verified)

In reply to by harry m (not verified)

the DEA tried to shut multiple dispensaries in Tacoma, WA down a week or so ago. it failed on the DEA's part, but the fact they are trying to shut down legal enterprises down is completely absurd.

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 5:42am Permalink
DownriverDem (not verified)

We passed it big time, but there are those in government who do not want med pot to go forward.  What happened is disgusting.  Folks should be able to go to a store with their card and get it.  What those agents said about our duly elected President should be grounds for firing.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 4:18pm Permalink

It must be difficult for so many people to have so few candidates who support total legalization I do. I just missed ballot access last time.  Next time I need to be better capitalized.  Now is the time to start.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 5:19pm Permalink
maxwood (not verified)

Q.  What Drug does the Drug Enforcement Agency enforce?

A.  Tobacco, through suppression of cannabis, forcing the cannabis price upward by comparison with the tobacco price.  Even if Basore perseveres, hires lawyers, etc., the net total effect will be that he has to charge a higher price per gram or ounce.

I went to Google to look up the average price of $igarettes in Michigan and was deluged with merchandise advertising; anyway it's around $6 a pack. 

Now try finding out the net weight of tobacco in one (1) $igarette.  They don't list it anywhere on the cigarette or the packaging.  "Answers" on were all over the place, ranging up to several grams.  Maybe I'll try looking it up again, after a few tokes some day.  Fortunately I once weighed a Winston filter $igarette and found that it weighed 700-mg.   Probably the most typical size, adding up to <strong>just under one half ounce per pack</strong>.

So in Michigan an OUNCE of $igarette tobacco costs about $12 (compare $20 in New York). 

Relevance: What do you think Basore has been charging for his cannabis, and how much he will have to charge from now on while paying his lawyers?

The good people who argued for the SChip and other tobacco tax increases on the grounds that forcing the sale price up would reduce smoking, especially by children, would surely have to agree that the same works for cannabis, and that children who can get cannabis but don't want to face spending the extra money will be under temptation, or pressure, to settle for the deadly "squares".  Once they get hooked, the $igarette tax money sponsors wonderful Nanny State Authoritarian activities such as... the DEA.

Don't forget that children trapped in brutal urban schools because their parents can't afford the compulsory $200,000 home purchase to live in a safe schools suburb are under pressure to prove to would-be bullies that they are tough and can defend themselves, and the standard way to do that is to "smoke" something (i.e. inhale hot burning overdose heat shock and carbon monoxide) and if you can't afford cannabis there's always GUESS WHAT courtesy of four levels of government taxing bodies.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 5:30pm Permalink

Watch this meeting of The Michigan Municipal League's September 21 work session on Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act.

During this seminar, all cities and municipalities in attendance were instructed to: follow federal law versus state law by a private group of lawyers.

Speakers included: Melanie Brim, Director, Bureau of Health Professions, Michigan Department of Community Health; Andria Ditschman, Attorney, Hubbard Law Firm; and Catherine Mish, City Attorney, Grand Rapids.

You may view this seminar in total at:

The first speaker is Melanie Brim, Director, Bureau of Health Professions, Michigan Department of Community Health. This individual is in charge of upholding and discharging Michigan's medical Marijuana Program. You will notice how she denigrates the patients she is charged with administering and protecting.

The second speaker is Andria Ditschman, Attorney, Hubbard Law Firm. She comes right out of the gate proposing that Michigan's Compassionate Care Initiative is illegal under the US Constitution per the Supremacy Clause.

The third speaker is Catherine Mish, City Attorney, Grand Rapids. She has the distinction of being the first official to seek a ban on Medical marijuana in the City of Grand Rapids.

I suggest the people of Michigan petition the State Board of Pharmacy to reschedule Marijuana.

Reducing Marijuana to Schedule Two or Three would offer legal avenues currently not available.

"The federal CSA of '72 says that a state's scheduling of controlled substances is preeminent and trumps federal scheduling."

21 U.S.C. 903 reads: Title 21 United States Code (USC)Controlled Substances Act Section 903. Application of State law
No provision of this subchapter shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of the Congress to occupy the field in which that provision operates, including criminal penalties, to the exclusion of any State law on the same subject matter which would otherwise be within the authority of the State, unless there is a positive conflict between that provision of this subchapter and that State law so that the two cannot consistently stand together."
On June 16, 2010 the Board adopted permanent rules that reschedule methamphetamine into Controlled Substance Schedule 1 and marijuana into Controlled Substance Schedule II.

Unless and until Michigan Board of Pharmacy reschedules Marijuana and HEMP, Michigan's Medical Marijuana law is a mere illusion.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 5:34pm Permalink
someone (not verified)

Our agencies need to set an example by following the laws. No agency is above the law. No one.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 5:40pm Permalink
Moonrider (not verified)

In reply to by allenallen (not verified)

but they completely ignore what I write, they don't even bother to acknowledge receiving any of my emails.  Writing them is ineffective.  The ONLY thing that will be effective is to find some way to recall uncooperative elected officials from the federal and state governments, before their next election.  The people getting a few of those recalls started will have an effect, and the rest of the elected will get the picture damn quick, if they want to keep their cushy government jobs they damn well better start listening to the people.

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 3:28am Permalink
mary jane (not verified)

These guys should be sent down to Mexico where the real action is.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 6:18pm Permalink
newageblues (not verified)

I'm not knocking the idea, but if anyone writes those scumbags and expects anything more than a form letter that ignores every point you make, you're going to be disappointed. When I write them, I say that sending me such a form letter is much more rude than no reply at all. Refusal to honestly debate a subject is a last refuge of a scoundrel. 

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 6:34pm Permalink
stxchick (not verified)

LEO at every level needs to stop harassing patients and caregivers.  Wait the required amount of time and seek the affidavit used to support the warrant,  It is time that the ACLU steps in and takes a larger role in this.  Not only are our state laws being violated by those sworn to protect us and up hold those same laws, but by the municipalities with their attempts to alter the law via zoning and other ordinances. 

I agree that FULL LEGALIZATION is the only way this is going to correct itself nationally.

Follow the law to its letter - unless you don't mind being a test case - and be safe out there!


If we fail to file suit/ formal complaints against illegal RIPS BY LEO - as we would file a police report about any other crime - we fail to stand up for our rights.  It is legal to grow 72 plants per caregiver who is also patient.  We can't let this continue.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 6:49pm Permalink
Uzz Baldrin (not verified)

  Herbert Morrison uttered those fateful words to describe as best he could the loss of life and the tragedy that ensued after the great airship Hindenburg crashed in 1937. Another tragedy occurred that same year, the Marijuana Tax Act which was based on lies and federally prohibited the use of marijuana. Here we are seventy-three years later and the tragedies continue. The politicians need to understand that the fight for medical use of marijuana is not about those that oppose mj use but rather its about the people that are sick, debilitated, suffering and in some cases have no other remedy available to them. Maybe Willie Nelsons onto something with the TeaPot Party I don't know but something has to change. I ran for State Auditor in MN under the Grassroots Party, basically we want to change the laws for all uses of cannabis both recreational and industrial. I received over 35,000 votes finishing behind the Green Party candidate and Chris Wright who ran on the ticket as Governor came in fourth. Call your mayors your city councils your police chiefs and ask them to have compassion. The facts and anecdotal evidence regarding the medical benefits and relative safety of cannabis use is overwhelming, but I leave you with a thought, Attitude is more important than facts.

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 10:41pm Permalink
kickback (not verified)

The DEA is going to find out what change really means when the voters of California and Washington legalize Marijuana in 2012. The new head of the DEA and its marijuana busting agents are all "birthers" and blatantly disrespect the office of the President as seen here . If  Pres. Obama doesn`t get his act together concerning this matter in 2012, we could see a Gary Johnson presidency coming. Hopefully so.

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 12:15am Permalink

How about photos and names of the "law" enforcement agents involved in these raids so that an individual can more effectively Socially Preference for or against them depending on how the person views the facts as presented. Voluntary association, or withdrawal of it, is how the individual can influence the behavior of others without any physical force.

Please keep something in mind. The politicians and bureaucrats - rulers - do *not* get out into the field and enforce their own legislation/decrees/mandates/etc. Instead they depend on the enforcers to do the dirty work. Therefore the enforcers are the key!! Politicians and bureaucrats simply talk and write, even when it is to give orders - whether to enforcers or directly to ordinary citizens (via snail and email pronouncements for the latter).

Strong negative Social Preferencing - withdrawal or refusal of voluntary association with the reasons made public - towards government enforcers who continue in that role after attempts to logically persuade them of their errors (offers of assistance in obtaining new productive jobs is a good idea for those known personally), is the needed step. Public identification (photos, names and location) of these continuing government enforcers will enable others to also Socially Preference against them, thereby increasing the social pressure to change their employment, their major interaction behavior - use cellphone cameras and the Internet to the fullest. This selective (discriminating) association to exclude those who cause harm is a potentially *very* powerful method of non-violent action, referred to as ostracism by many down through the ages. It is included in Gene Sharp's 2nd volume (of 3), "The Politics of Nonviolent Action", Chapter 4, "The Methods of Social Noncooperation".

Even in the current very unfree societies (of which the US is a major one), negative Social Preferencing can be effectively used to influence individual social behavior and the actions of the State. I have written about this practice in general - 
There is much more than can be done beyond groaning, hand wringing and clenching jaws.

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 5:37pm Permalink
Anonymous2255 (not verified)

Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?
Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?
Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?
Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?
Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?
Where in God's name was the county Sheriff?

Fri, 12/10/2010 - 5:44pm Permalink

As an activis & concerned citizen of this great country, born the yr prohibition became law in 1937.The more I learn, the less I know. I was born in Detroit. I have always been proud to be from Michigan. I moved to NYC in the early 60's. My husband was a sports promoter, fight manager & professional gambler. I was exposed to quite a bit in this nether world. For a long period of time, although, I myself did not indulge, thought Marijuana was legal. No one seemed to care, although I don't recall anyone speaking openly as we do today. Cannabis saved my life.I suffered 3rd stage breast cancer. My Dr. told me to reach out because by the time he did the paper work for a then gov. run program ( in addition to this advice,he admitted the stuff was no good) he said, I may not be here. Of course, I reached out. The cancer spread 3 times but I am still here. I like to think it is to do what I am doing at any given moment,trying to educated anyone I can about medical cannabis. On a personal level I think it should be totally Legal. These Gestapo type raids & arrests are outrageous. We are fighting Tobacco Companies,Pharmaceutical Companies,the Alcohol Industry and the FAR FAR right. Quite intimidating to say the least.Yet, we cannot give up, we have come too far. We have 15 states plus DC.for medical marijuana. Most progress during almost 74 yrs has been in the last few of the last 15 yrs or so. We are working very hard this very minute  for medical in New York.We need to ban together to step out of our smoke filled closets to speak out against this violation of our civil rights. I personally think there are more people than we can imagine for legalization than against it. The problem remains the same as to why many people do not speak out.. What will the neighbors say, what will mom say or my family, What about my boss??? I can bet that many of the people we are concerned with, probably have better stuff than you ever dreamed of. For weeks I had been trying to call attention to a case in St. Louis of Ken Unger, a 100%disabled Navy vet injured in service who also suffered 3 major heart attacks w/ 6 stents in his heart. Not be able to afford pot in the street decided to grow his own. He was busted for 2 plants in a locked secured place, taken out as if he were Osama himself. He has never been arrested for anything. He will plead on the 20th. I assume at that time another court date will be set.I want to encourage letters of support  from all of us who care. It could happen to anyone. Every 37 seconds there is an arrest in the USA. Chk my web site for details on this case The email addresses for ST LOUIS AREA PAPERS are at the bottom.Thanking you all in advance, sending you love. Can’t send anything else… IT AINT LEGAL! Ganja Granny sez Keep it Lit! Pass it ON! St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Sat, 12/11/2010 - 11:00am Permalink
sicntired (not verified)

That Eric Holder had over prop 19.Perhaps he feels a little flexing of the federal muscle is in order.I just can't read this administration at all.Obama was all for easing off on cannabis till he realized he actually had a chance to win the Presidency.As soon as that realization drove up on him he became as anti drug and anti cannabis as anyone else.Look who he picked for VP.The DEA  are just a bunch of thugs with badges.It never ceases to amaze me that they can still get away with using SWAT to take down what was obviously a low risk bust.Smoke grenades?The pun Is inescapable but I know the DEA has no sense of humor.You have to wonder if these busts are designed to bankrupt the participants,as was alluded to in the article.This must surely be intimidating to anyone thinking about getting into the pot business,at least in Michigan.I remember seeing the Oaksterdam school and listening to the people talking about how they thought it was worth it to take the chance that they wouldn't be the ones to get arrested.It's one thing to get busted if you're aware of the risks and have decided to go ahead and grow anyway.It's quite another if you're the parents of a few kids and you've quit your job to grow pot as a business.I have been present in a home when the drug squad makes an entrance and there are children present.I heard one cop tell another that the door almost flattened a kid."would have served them right for allowing this guy (me) to live in their house."I rented the basement suite.The cops smashed in the doors upstairs.They knew damn well what was happening and they left an hour later with no arrests and no seizures.All they did was scare a two year old half to death.Classy.That's what I think of the way the Obama administration is handling this issue.Classy.It gets really tiring hearing one message one day and then seeing the exact opposite reaction the next.Who's in charge here?There is certainly not a whole lot of complaining coming from anyone in Washington over these raids.Now just why is that if they really want the DEA to back off of people in compliance with State law?

Sat, 12/11/2010 - 10:19pm Permalink
tinkerist (not verified)

They should hold the DEA financially responsible in any raid case where they can't prove the accused is in violation of state or local law.  you wanna bust, it comes directly out of your state's DEA budget if you're wrong.  perhaps it should even be taken out of the DEA budget on a federal level, that way DEA agents across the country will start blackballing agents who decide they're cowboys in a MMJ state.  in colorado, if any LEA busts an MMJ caregiver, dispensary, or patient, they are responsible for damages to ANY property confiscated if for any reason the accused isn't found in violation.  this includes plants, meaning they have to take care of the live pot plants!  this has curtailed quite a few of the busts here.

Tue, 12/21/2010 - 2:00am Permalink
Callum (not verified)

....Does anyone here realize that the DEA was formed during the Nixon administration? That was not too long ago...and last time I checked this Country was formed by the people for the people and the government is supposed to be by the people for the people. Maybe its time to Rally to get rid of the DEA all together, let the people decide, Stop legislating hunger, Stop the DEA. Its time to tell the DEA they are fired, along with the drug czar. Free enterprise is what this Country was founded upon.

Tue, 12/21/2010 - 10:21am Permalink
Michigander (not verified)

In reply to by Callum (not verified)

The DEA has got doctors afraid to prescribe class 2 narcotics. They are controlling how much a pharmacy can order including a hospital pharmacy. They have made stricter rules so it is very hard for a hospice patient to get there medication. And then when people want to try and use medical marijuana and get off from these other medications the DEA has to stick there nose in that also and can not leave it up to the states. Most pain patients not medicated have thought of suicide and assisted suicide is illegal too. The DEA HAS TO GO. Let doctors do there job. With the economy so bad instead of cutting social security ect. Get rid of the DEA. We already have law enforcement to handle any illegal problems.

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 12:21pm Permalink
decenthardworkinggal (not verified)

This is just another example of the cops/dea thinking they own the land.  The people of MI voted to legalize medical marijuana.  Now I think it's time to just flat out legalize it.  I believe there are enough people to do so, and it's time to fire the frickin dea, the cops, and the horses they rode in on.  Believe me, the cops think they are above the law, and can do whatever they want.  My God, why don't they focus on the real issues that need addressed, like murderers, pedophiles, and rapists?  It's because they don't have what it takes to address the real issues so they focus on stupid, ignorant, things that involve harassing individuals over something WE the people of MI voted as law.  I have no respect for the criminal justice system because it is fatally flawed.  And the DEA and the cops think because the law re: medical marijuana is  poorly defined, that they can use that as a way to maneuver around the fact that it is legal and go about harassing innocent people.  It is time for this law to be very clearly defined and it is up to us, the decent people of MI to make it happen.  Legalize the hell out of marijuana and tell the dea to kiss off.

Thu, 01/13/2011 - 5:22pm Permalink
Geovs20 (not verified)

This is insane 63% of Michiganders voted for this law, yet the mdch are so understaffed they cant even keep up with the applications? The seat belt law was passed and tickets were handed out that DAY! Its not like it was a close bill 63% its hard to remember a bill running through like that most are 50/50, what is the problem why are the people of Michigan being harassed by law inforcement, when 63% of the people believe in such a law how can the state drag their feet. I pay taxes I voted for nothing? How is this even going to court it should be a no brainer, we as citizens of this state are being robbed of our fundamental voting rights! 

Tue, 02/08/2011 - 12:43pm Permalink
Fred Thompson (not verified)

I agree with every one of these I read. We have too much government and no freedoms and even when something's legal, government steps in and thinks they're above the law. I say bullshit. What happened to the land of the Free???

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 11:18am Permalink
Geoffrey Laster (not verified)

If you have 12 patients that need a safe place to grow build a building on property when you build the building make 12 entrances from the outside of the building to each patients needs areas/ now you can decide if you want to have one power source (not recommended) by having separate electrical panel for each area then you can make better power usage and each patient can control their own power and usages.  but as long as you operate in one building you are braking not only federal law but state as well.   If I had the start up capital I could make a safe environment for all patients to grow safely and legally.  I would have a educational center that would help the patient to grow better and cheaper.  And Hydroponics store that specialized in the sales of medical only patients store that would supplely clones and help get rid of their overages so that we as a state could bring the cost of this wonderful medicine. My organization want to make it where insurances can help pay for it.  I understand that that is a far away from happen until federal government make it legal for medical us.

Mon, 12/24/2012 - 7:25am Permalink

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