This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Sticky-fingered law enforcement seems to be the theme this week. Let's get to it:
[image:1 align:left]In Maywood, Illinois, a Maywood police officer was charged November 24 with stealing cash from suspects after being snared in a federal sting operation. Officer Robert Welch, a tactical officer focused on suppressing gang activity, went down after the mother of an African-American youth he had stopped and frisked complained that he stole $20 from the boy. In the subsequent sting, Welch stole $240 from an undercover FBI agent he had detained as a drug suspect. He admitted ripping off other suspects, usually drug suspects, for the past six months. He is on administrative leave.
In San Antonio, Texas, two former Bexar County narcotics detectives were indicted November 24 on charges related to their work on the Bexar County Narcotics Unit. Deputy Charles Flores was indicted on five counts, including theft by a public servant $1,500 to $20,000, misapplication by a fiduciary, and aggravated perjury. Deputy Anthony Alvarado was indicted on four counts, including theft by public servant $1,500 to $20,000; misapplication by a fiduciary and abuse of official capacity. Aggravated perjury and theft by public servants are both third-degree felonies, punishable by two to 10 years in prison. The other charges are state jail felonies, punishable by up to two years in state jail.
In Los Angeles, a state narcotics agent was arrested November 16 on charges he stole money from drug suspects. California Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotics Agent Gabriel Baltodano, 35, went down in a sting in which he stole $33,000 from an undercover agent. He came under internal investigation after fellow agents were "alerted to the possibility" he was stealing cash from drug suspects. He is charged with grand theft and embezzlement and is looking at up to four years in state prison. His bail was set at $125,000.
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Real time???
I would like to know the actual time served. NOT what could be but what actually is.
more corrupt cop stories
The police in Cold Spring busted my dealer, Otis. First, they busted Missy and took her kids. They told her that she would have an easier time getting her kids back if she helped them set up "Otis" (Terry Mattox). She arranged to give Terry a ride to a customer's place and told the cops (Officers Chris and Eric Boucher, Cold Spring Police Department) that they could find her and Otis at the gas station at a certain time. While he pumped gas and washed the windows, she went in to pay. The cops arrested him, according to court documents, "because he looked agitated" and found 1.75 grams of Methamphetamines. Using this to secure a warrant, they found more at his house. They explained that he could go to prison or go to work for them. So for the next 18 months, he sold meth for the cops. He set up the dealers above him, and they then had a pile to work with. Then he turned in his customers one at a time. He would weigh up the drugs in his room and call the cops to tell them to get ready. They would make up any reason to pull the car over, give him the drugs back to sell again, put the money into their own pockets, and look like heroes to the community for making so many drug arrests. He got 6 months unsupervised probation, a stay of adjudication (No felony drug record) and a $500.00 fine. The cops got a pile of cash. The rest of us got between five and ten years. At my contested omnibus hearing, they lied and told the judge that they were never in the trailer park, that after following me they couldn't find a reason to pull me over and that I had just pulled over for them, and that they searched my car because "a large cloud of Marijuana smoke came out of the window, and the passenger had a green tongue, which is an obvious sign of smoking Marijuana." But they had followed me for four miles from the trailer park (and we were smoking pot with them right behind us?????) Check every case connected to these two cops; always the same judge, prosecutor and public defender. You think it's only the police who are corrupt?
In Minneapolis, Minnesota a
In Minneapolis, Minnesota a retired St. Paul Police Officer went to the Greyhound bus station to pick up a package. The clerk asked for his identification, and the officer refused. The clerk told him "No I.D. no package." The cop yelled at him and left. The package was opened, and inside was 22 pounds of Meth and 8 pounds of Cocaine. A newspaper article I read while at Appleton Prison said he got 5 years. For 30 pounds? I got five years for 7 grams.
The War on Drugs
The idea that there are corrupt Judges, District Attorneys, and Police, has been proven; time, and time again.
It is also evident to this American; that the Justice Department has skewed vision when it comes to investigating police. They do not want to interfere with other agencies. After all, they are there to protect and serve, they need no oversight, and if there were a problem regarding ethics, they are holding a seminar on the eleventh.
You know as well as I, that our justice system is in need of an overhaul. Being a Police Officer does not excuse a person from the law. This idea saturate's the minds of Police all over America, and the smaller town's and village's are the worst. The people serving time in America's prisons have been judged by a jury of their peer's. In my opinion. The evidence presented to the jury for deliberations, has been tailored to meet the needs of all the parties involved. The Judges look good for re-election, and are praised for their stern wisdom and knowledge of the law. The District Attorney's look good for re-election, and they are also praised for their legal tactics, thus giving them a sense of power over life and death, and an outstanding conviction rate. The Police are given discounts for their meals, and are held in high regard by the citizen's that are duped into believing they will receive favor from them. We as American's have civil rights, and liberties, they are being trampled upon, by the very same people that swore to protect and uphold those same freedom's. The freedom's that they themselves enjoy. In the mean time the prisons are over capacity and cruel and unusual is just a phrase in the minds of those not incarcerated. Punishment should fit the crime, and that punishment should be carried-out no matter the offender. Be he Judge, D.A., Police, Citizen or foreign national. (Yes, remember the movie Midnight Express ?) Legalize Marijuana and free-up our Judicial System. Bravo5 out!
cops on the take
U.S.A. cops are jealous of Mexican cops , so is everyone else involved in the so-called "criminal justice " system. Corruption of the "system" is the destiny of the "drug war". Want proof ? Just read this site from week to week.
You could not have stated the depth of the injustice within this country. This should become a manifesto for EVERY to read and take revolutionary action. KUDOS TO YOU AND... BRAVO
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