Drug War Chronicle #491 - June 22, 2007
Feature: Move to Undo Higher Education Act Drug Provision Passes Senate Committee
A key Senate committee voted Wednesday to remove the infamous "drug question" from the federal financial aid form. With a measure calling for outright repeal expected to pass the House, it could be the beginning of the end for Souder's Folly.
Feature: North Dakota Farmers Sue DEA Over Hemp Growing Ban
A pair of North Dakota farmers have been granted state permits to grow hemp, but the DEA has refused to act on their federal license applications. Now the farmers are going to federal court to ask that the agency be told to butt out.
Feature: ONDCP Kicks Off Annual Summer Marijuana Scare Campaign With Report Linking Drugs to Gangs, Violence
With the summer season now underway, the drug czar's office has released a scary new report linking youth marijuana and other drug use to gang membership and violence. Critics say there is less there than meets the eye.
Appeal: A Victory is In the Works, With Your Help
Our multi-year campaign to repeal an infamous law that denies financial aid to students because of drug convictions may soon ride to a successful conclusion.
Feedback: Do You Read Drug War Chronicle?
Do you read Drug War Chronicle? If so, we need your feedback to evaluate our work and make the case for Drug War Chronicle to funders. We need donations too.
Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
It's ONDCP Ad Week at the Speakeasy, plus we have Giuliani's Cocaine Connection, China's UN-prompted drug war bloodbath, a response from a former ONDCP official to the China story, Creepy Drug Testing Science and more...
Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A Puerto Rican narc gets caught robbing an armored car, a Mississippi cop gets nailed for selling and using speed, and a Toledo cop who liked to party too much cops a plea.
Search and Seizure: Supreme Court Rules Passengers Can Challenge Police Stops
Passengers in vehicles stopped by police are effectively "seized" and may challenge the constitutionality of that seizure, the Supreme Court ruled in an unanimous opinion Monday.
Medical Marijuana: Rhode Island Legislature Overrides Veto to Make Law Permanent
Rhode Island's medical marijuana law is here to stay. The legislature this week voted decisively to override a gubernatorial veto of a bill that would make it permanent.
Medical Marijuana: Connecticut Governor Vetoes Bill
A medical marijuana bill passes both houses of the Connecticut legislature, but Gov. Jodi Rell has now vetoed it.
Methamphetamine: With Meth Labs Plunging to Near Zero, Nevada Moves to Track Cold Remedies
Nevada's governor has signed an anti-meth lab bill that further restricts the purchase of over-the-counter cold and allergy remedies. Problem is, nobody is cooking meth in Nevada anymore.
Middle East: Iran Hangs Four for Drug Trafficking
Iran executed four convicted drug traffickers on Saturday. That makes at least 102 executions in Iran so far this year.
Middle East: Dubai Sentences Two More Westerners To Prison Over Infinitesimal Amounts of Drugs
The Dubai courts continue their harsh treatment of people possessing even tiny amounts of illicit drugs. This week, they sent a Canadian working for an Afghan anti-drug program to prison for four years for traces of hashish that he may have picked up in the course of his work.
Web Scan
Montel, Tony Papa on Veronica Flournoy, Incarcerex, NY Sun on prohibition, SlangTV on Afghanistan opium licensing, Transform on the drug policy reform debate, Vera Institute and Pew Charitable Trusts report, Alex Wodak
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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