LEAP Confronts The Drug Czar at a Press Conference

Submitted by smorgan on

The irony is truly remarkable. Kerlikowske claims legalization isn't in his vocabulary, yet the whole purpose of the press conference is to present a report that discusses legalization at great length. The drug czar's strategy of trying not to legitimize our position is completely at odds with the approach of the UN, thus he ultimately just comes across as unprepared. And that's exactly what he is. He's so unprepared to defend the drug war, he must pretend that legalization doesn't exist. It isn't going to work.

Click here to help our friends at LEAP send a message to the UN that it's time to move beyond the war on drugs.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy/2009/jun/25/leap_confronts_drug_czar_press_c