Europe: Cannabis Cafes in Dutch Border Region to Go Members Only?

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #583)
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

All of the cannabis cafes in the Dutch border province of Limburg may be turned into members-only clubs in a bid to stop "drug tourism," the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant reported over the weekend. The proposal came from Gerd Leers, the mayor of Maastricht, the largest town in the province.

[inline:maastricht-coffee-shop.jpg align=left caption="downstairs of a coffee shop, Maastricht (courtesy Wikimedia)"]Limburg hosts 30 of the cannabis cafes, also known as coffee shops, that attract thousands of visitors from the less cannabis-friendly neighboring countries of France, Belgium and Germany each year. The influx of foreign pot buyers has resulted in problems ranging from traffic congestion to public nuisances to dealing of hard drugs.

Under the Leers proposal, foreigners would not be barred from membership in the clubs, but would have to wait several days to buy cannabis. The proposal would thus discourage spur of the moment cannabis purchases, but would not prevent foreigners who plan ahead from being able to purchase cannabis once they have become members.

Leers' proposal also foresees banning cash sales, which would allow all sales to be traced, thus discouraging foreigners. Leers is also proposing reducing the amount of cannabis that can purchased from five grams to three grams. He said few foreigners would bother to drive to Holland for such a small quantity. [But Leers did not explain why foreigners would bother to drive to Holland to purchase only two grams more now, or what would stop them from visiting multiple cannabis cafes in a European version of smurfing.]

According to the Volkskrant, the Dutch home affairs and justice ministries have reacted favorably to the plan. While the conservative Dutch government would like to eliminate cannabis cafes altogether, it has pledged not to act until after elections next year. In the meantime, effective regulation of the cannabis cafes is in the hands of local authorities, such as Maastricht Mayor Leers.

Cannabis cafe owners declined to discuss their views on the proposal. They said they would wait to react until the proposal is formally presented May 12.


Anonymous (not verified)

Without competition they can do what the hell ever they want. Open other cafes along the borders and beyond and they will be singing a different tune.

Fri, 05/01/2009 - 2:32pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

One way to solve the problem of drug tourism would be to open cafes in every country. If it were more widely permitted, then people wouldn't go so ga-ga over being able to Smoke Pot Openly In Public. Right now that's a forbidden fruit for 95% of the world in their home countries. But if we all followed the Dutch model, then maybe we'd all mature and be able to handle it. People wouldn't have to buy expensive plane tickets or passports just to do what they wish they could do at home.

I just don't get why the general public still doesn't get that this is a drug that society can accomodate without problems. I dare say you might get a few people to lay off the alcohol and take up pot smoking instead, thereby reducing the harm to society from alcohol. One more way that pot can save the world.

Fri, 05/01/2009 - 7:14pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Alcohol, or rather my husband's overuse of it is destroying our marriage. He smoked when we 12 years ago, but had to quit because of a job. He used to be an open minded and giving individual. He now, however, is a mentally and emotionally abusive person with questionable manners and personal hygiene. Hooray for the socially acceptable drug of the majority's choice.

Fri, 05/01/2009 - 8:10pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Dear readers,in Holland 23000 people die every jear off deseases related to smoking tobacco.
We also have many problems related to alcoholabuse.
The only problem we have whit softdrugs is the fact that the goverment has a problem whit softdrugs.
we the dutch have a problem whit the goverment,not whit softdrugs.
Greetings from Holland

Wed, 05/06/2009 - 7:40pm Permalink

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