14 Year Old Juvenile Informant; Dead at 16 years of Age. According to Police.

Submitted by David Borden on
I thought everyone would find this interesting. I almost forgot that I had this reply that I received from a Newspaper Journalist. The Content concerned a Child that had been used as a Confidential Informant, since the tender age of 14 years old. The child ended up dead at 16 years old and his best friend has been sent to the "Pen" for 28 years. Nothing happened to the Police Officer that placed the 16 year old boy in mortal danger. This all happened in the Texas 81st Judicial District. Pay attention to the end of the article: Read on

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy/2006/sep/21/14_year_old_juvenile_informant_d