Happy 10th Birthday, Canadian Hemp Industry!

Submitted by dguard on

[Courtesy of Ruth's Hemp Foods]


This week marks the 10th anniversary since Canada's Industrial Hemp Regulations came into effect.

On March 12, 1998, about 100 people gathered in Tillsonburg, Ontario with great excitement to hear our former Minister of Health, Allan Rock, make the announcement, formalizing what we had been working towards for several years previous.

We've come a long way. Starting at just 264 licensed acres in 1998, a high point was reached in 2006 at over 48,000 acres.

And the players have changed as well - very few of the faces in that room are still involved, and many new ones have appeared.

Now to grow hemp in the US... see below for a delicious way to support American farmers.

To celebrate the birthday of the modern hemp industry, we're taking 20% off of all our products! Shop at www.ruthshempfoods.com, and at check-out, code in Happy 10 to receive the discount. It will be good until March 22.

In Hemp and Health,


VoteHemp bar

Support the right of American farmers to grow hemp!

Despite the fact that most Canadian hemp is now sold in the US, it is not legal to grow in that country... yet! Read about the struggle to legalize commercial hemp at


And here's a delicious way to support VoteHemp: buy the VoteHemp bar - we donate 20% of the profits of this bar to VoteHemp. Scroll to the bottom of this page http://www.ruthshempfoods.com/hempbars.html to buy the VoteHemp bar.

VoteHemp bar

hemp field



Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/trenches/2008/mar/10/happy_10th_birthday_canadian_hem