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Mexican Prisons Failing to Keep Drug Traffickers on the Inside

Just as Mexican authorities are struggling to put drug traffickers in prison, Mexican prisons are struggling to keep them there. Hundreds of dangerous inmates have escaped from state penitentiaries along the U.S. border in recent months, some through spectacular action-movie breakouts, others by simply walking out the door.
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In The Trenches

Cut Drug War Spending (Action Alert)

Hi Friends,

In a recent Q&A with YouTube viewers, President Obama said that U.S. drug policy focuses too heavily on law enforcement. He also took a huge step forward calling drug legalization an "entirely legitimate topic for debate." If you haven't taken action on the email alert I sent you last week, please take a minute to do so now. We have a great opportunity to cut funding for arrests and incarceration by treating drug use as a health issue instead of a criminal issue.


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance

We Are the Drug Policy Alliance.



Tell President Obama to stop wasting money on the failed war on drugs.

Take Action!

Email the President

Dear Friends,

In his State of the Union address a few days ago, President Obama said it is time for the federal government to tighten its belt and stop wasting so much money. One of the biggest – and most destructive – wastes of money is the war on drugs. President Obama is working on a new federal budget – urge him to stop wasting money on the failed war on drugs.

In these times of deficits and budget cuts, let’s send a clear message: no more money for marijuana arrests. No more money for laughably stupid anti-marijuana ads. No more money for random drug testing. No more money for SWAT raids on people's homes for suspected drug law violations. No more money for long prison sentences for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses. No more money for the drug war. Period.

Tell the President that our tax dollars should be spent more wisely.

With your help we can eliminate or cut drug war waste and dismantle the war on drugs. Please take a minute to write the White House and tell President Obama to stop wasting your tax dollars on failed drug policies.


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance

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Man Smokes Medical Marijuana at Taxpayers' Expense

On a recent chilly morning, Fort Lauderdale stockbroker Irvin Rosenfeld interrupted his client calls for a quick medical marijuana cigarette in the company parking lot. Then he went back to work. The cigarette perfectly legal for him was one of about 120,000 the federal government has provided to him at taxpayer expense for the past 29 years. He's one of only four people who remain in a now-closed compassionate drug program.
Black market profits fuel deadly violence. Who could ever have predicted that? (Image via Wikimedia)
Black market profits fuel deadly violence. Who could ever have predicted that? (Image via Wikimedia)

Mexico Drug War Update

It was a relatively quiet week in Mexico's drug wars -- only a hundred people killed -- but Ciudad Juarez continues to live up to its reputation as one of the world's deadliest cities.
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Sheriff: Drug Trafficking Organization Showdown in Arizona Desert Imminent

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said that a showdown with drug trafficking organizations is just around the corner. "We're going out to directly meet these cartels. We're saying this is coming through our county and we've had enough," he said. The sheriff has recently purchased 130 new semi-automatic rifles and night vision goggles. In Pinal County, they're holding an offensive position to counter the members of drug trafficking organizations and the bandits looking to steal drugs in the desert.
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Oakland Could Have A New Medical Marijuana Policy in Two Weeks

The Oakland City Council is talking about sanctioned medical marijuana cultivation again after some legal scares put the issue on ice late last year, and a new policy could be in place within two weeks. The council voted in December to hold off implementing its program to permit and tax industrial-sized medical marijuana cultivation businesses. The proposal, which would also double the number of permitted dispensaries, was delayed until the new cultivation law could be revised to address some legal concerns that local prosecutors said could land the council members in jail.
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In The Trenches

New Jersey DHSS Mum About Medicinal Marijuana Program Conflicts (Press Release)


CONTACT: Ken Wolski at (609) 394-2137

DHSS Mum About Medicinal Marijuana Program Conflicts

WHO:      New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services

WHAT:     Refuses repeated attempts to clarify conflicting Medicinal Marijuana Program statements

WHEN:     January and February 2011

WHERE: Trenton, New Jersey

WHY:        DHSS has not responded to requests for clarification

The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has published conflicting statements about its Request for Applications (RFA) by which non-profit entities may become Alternative Treatment Centers as part of the Medicinal Marijuana Program.  The DHSS has refused repeated attempts to clarify the issue.

The RFA to become medical marijuana providers in the state was published on the official DHSS web site:  This RFA has an announced closing date of 2/14/11.  However, the proposed regulations, published on the very same web site, at "8:64-6.1 Notice of request for applications" note that the DHSS "shall announce a request for applications…for a permit to operate an alternative treatment center by publishing a notice of request for applications in the New Jersey Register."  The soonest this notice of RFA could be published in the Register is 2/22/11, or after the final day of open application period noted on the DHSS web site.

It is an expensive and cumbersome process to apply to become an ATC and applicants do not want to submit an application for a process that was given improper notification.  On the other hand, they do not want to be excluded either because they misinterpreted the rules or because the DHSS changed the rules when it publishes the official version.  Yet the DHSS refuses to clarify whether the RFA deadline is appropriate as noted on its web site or whether a new, initial application period will be forthcoming in an upcoming New Jersey Register announcement.

For more information, contact:

Ken Wolski, RN, MPA, Executive Director
Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc.
219 Woodside Ave., Trenton, NJ 08618
609.394.2137 [email protected]

CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the benefits of safe and legal access to medical marijuana.

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Iowa Legislative Panel Rejects Plan Linking Welfare to Drug Tests

A legislative panel has rejected a proposal to require people to pass a drug test before being eligible for state welfare benefits. Republican Rep. Matt Windschitl, of Missouri Valley, had proposed the requirement, but a subcommittee blocked the bill because of questions about how it would be implemented.
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Nebraska Lawmakers Won't Require Electronic Drug Log for Cold Medicine

Nebraska lawmakers have dropped a bill that would require pharmacists to check an electronic database before selling products containing pseudoephedrine, an ingredient sometimes used to make methamphetamine. The bill, LB20, from Senator Beau McCoy of Omaha was tabled after disagreement over whether pharmacists should be immune from lawsuits under the proposed law.
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Advocates for Michigan's Medical Marijuana Law Fear Disclosure of Records Will Hurt Patients

As founder of Michigan Association of Compassion Clubs, Jamie Lowell thinks the federal government's request for records on the state's medical marijuana registry will discourage legal use. He knows of a teacher who could use marijuana, but she is terrified of being identified. "When you get the application, you are under the impression all of the information will remain confidential," he said.
In The Trenches

MPP Insider: Hostile Police, Medical Marijuana in the Courts, Deadly Raids, and More...


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Medical marijuana bill introduced in Idaho

Newsletter IdahoOn January 19, Idaho made a great stride toward securing medical marijuana patients against the threat of arrest and prosecution when representative Tom Trail introduced a medical marijuana bill into the state's legislature. If passed, the legislation would make Idaho the 16th medical marijuana state. Read more ...

Why are some cops so hostile to marijuana policy reform?

Newsletter Hostile PoliceMPP executive director Rob Kampia looks at the reasons why law enforcement officials are so often resistant against, or opposed to, marijuana policy reform. What do you think – is it ignorance, job security, quality of life, or perhaps something else? Read more ...

Utah man killed in outrageous police raid

Newsletter RaidA recently released video of a police raid in Utah last September, which depicts a man being shot and killed as police force entry into his home, has enraged many readers of our blog. Take a look, but be forewarned: the contents of this video are shocking and outrageous, and likely to induce commentary. Read more ...

Courts hearing cases on rights of medical marijuana patients

Newsletter V1_I8 courtroomTwo separate cases (in two separate states) involving the rights of medical marijuana patients will be heard by supreme courts. One case deals with employment protections for registered medical marijuana patients, and the other deals with issues of handgun permits for medical marijuana patients. Read more ...

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Newsletter V1_I3 FacebookCome join the Marijuana Policy Project on Facebook! MPP maintains not only a very active Facebook page, but also a very popular Facebook Cause as well: End Marijuana Prohibition. The fastest, easiest, and most useful thing you can do for marijuana policy reform today is to join us on Facebook and show your support!


The MPP Video of the Month

Todd Blair Drug Raid

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Newsletter V1_I10 VictimIn January 2000, 18-year-old Marisa Garcia received a ticket for marijuana possession that nearly cost her a college education.
Hear her story...

Our mailing address is Marijuana Policy Project, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20002. Any donations you make to MPP may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing candidates for federal office.


Hillary Clinton Says Drugs Are Too Expensive for Legalization

In an interview on Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a very precise demonstration in how to dramatically misconstrue the fundamentals of drug prohibition. It's one of those perfectly incoherent explanations that would be almost comedic if it weren't for the tens of thousands who get murdered in the streets thanks to logic like this.