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Imposición de la Ley: Las Historias de Policías Corruptos de Esta Semana

Un sherif de Virginia y la mayor parte de su departamento caen por revender drogas y armas confiscadas, un guardia de la Patrulla Fronteriza es atrapado mientras hacía la vista gorda en cambio de sexo y dinero, están faltando drogas en el almacén de pruebas de la Policía de Boston, un comisario de la policía de una ciudad pequeña se confiesa culpable de proteger a traficantes de drogas y dos policías se van a la prisión por traficar drogas.

Draw Up Your Plant: get ready to dump prohibition!

Draw Up Your Plant is one of Encod's CannabisSocialClubs
Antwerpen (Belgium), 4 November 2006

Dear members and supporters of Draw Up Your Plant,

The self organization of cannabisconsumers 'Draw Up Your Plant” is ready to end cannabisprohibition in Belgium as we know it. We have all elements at hand that are needed to go to the last fase in changing policy from prohibition to a regulated system.

In The Trenches

Tell Congress to Restore Financial Aid to Students with Drug Convictions

Since Students for Sensible Drug Policy was formed in 1998, we have worked to repeal the HEA Aid Elimination Penalty, the law that denies federal financial aid to students with drug convictions. Earlier this year SSDP filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the constitutionality of the penalty in the hopes of having it erased from the lawbooks altogether. Unfortunately, late last week a federal judge granted the Bush administration’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit.
In The Trenches