Get your bicycles ready, a couple spare tubes and tires..
We are going to ride across the United States again for medical marijuana patients' rights and freedoms.
Clearly we have seen the efforts of those who have, for the past 70 years, misinformed and false educated the world that Cannabis/Marijuana does not have medical uses, or medical properties and the benefits of cannabis is it natural form, is not possible...they are so mistaken.
On April 7, 2006 we (Journey for Justice Seven), rode from Folly Beach, SC to San Francisco, CA. We met and saw so many great people that come out and supported us. From young to old, smokers and non smokers, lawyers, store owners, park rangers, police officers, doctors, moms, dads, and grandparents signed our truck.
So much was accomplished by a small group, and so many medical testimonies where recorded by Mark Pedersen, driver of the Journey for Justice Seven support truck, and the world now gets to know what medical patients are going though on a daily basis and how medical cannabis has helped relieve so much pain and suffering that goes on every day.
Show your support, help how you can, with the next epic journey across our country. Let's change the laws together, for the good of humanity -- with enough people together, anything can be done.
If you want your state or town to be on the route, please share your request ASAP!! The route is growing and building, getting detailed as the days and weeks pass.
For more information and complete details, contact Tonya Davis at 937-479-0461, 937-435-7922, or [email protected].
Blaine, WA
United States
This work by is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International