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Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK Conference 2009: Building a Movement -- Inspired, Educated, Motivated

Submitted by dguard on
Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK cordially invites you to attend our launch conference at Leeds University Union From Friday, 27 November 2009 - 18:00 To Sunday, 29 November 2009 - 17:00 SSDP has branches in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Nigeria and Australia. Making us easily the world’s fastest growing student organisation dedicated to ending the war on drugs Students for Sensible Drug Policy would like you to attend our first ever conference in the United Kingdom. This conference will officially launch our organisation as the number one student group in the nation dedicated to reforming our socially devastating drug laws. The 'War on Drugs' is often said to be necessary to protect young people, but as scholars we know that this policy of global drug prohibition does more harm than good. The purpose of this conference is to build a movement; we want to inspire, educate and motivate young people and students to do something about these laws that so adversely affect them. This will be a chance to meet other activists from around the country working for drug law reform, learn about what Students for Sensible Drug Policy stands for and most importantly find out how to turn a few students (or individuals) into a model campaign team for drug law reform. Through our guest speakers and workshops find out how drug law reform relates to civil liberties, the environment, ending social exclusion and discrimination, prison reform, foreign policy, health, education etc. On November 27-29th, students, academics, lawyers, members of law enforcement, journalists, drug law reformers, social activists and health professionals will convene on Leeds University Union, which was recently voted number one Higher Education union of the year. Find out what will be happening and join us! The conference will be held in the Leeds University Union Conference Hall, the building is accessible but if there are any issues that we need to know then please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We are planning on providing food for all registered conference attendees, so please register as soon as possible so we can get a rough idea of numbers! Non-students are encouraged to attend conference too, but we will have to prioritise accommodation for student members. Check out our schedule and register online at now! Please note is a non-smoking venue as is the accommodation. There is a limited amount of accommodation for non-students but if you find your own accommodation you are still welcome to attend. If you are unsure, check with me first at [email protected].

Leeds University Union Conference Hall
Wood House Lane

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