New Hampshireâs Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on HB 1653, a bill that would remove criminal penalties for possession of up to one-quarter ounce of marijuana, and replace them with a fine of up to $200.
Under current law, possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor offense, carrying a potential penalty of up to one year in jail, a $2,000 fine, and a criminal conviction that could damage someoneâs ability to find employment, secure government benefits, or qualify for student financial aid.
Sponsored by Rep. Steve Lindsey (D-Keene) HB 1653 would also require parents of offenders younger than 18 to be informed of the offense, and underage offenders would have to complete a drug awareness program within one year of the violation, or face a $1,000 fine.
Last month, the bill passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan 214 to 137 vote.
New Hampshire State House, Room 103
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH
United States
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