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Free Screening of "Waiting to Inhale: Marijuana, Medicine, and the Law"

Submitted by dguard on
*FREE REFRESHMENTS* Joining us for the screening of "Waiting to Inhale" is the mayor of Cliff Village, MO, Joe Blundell. An open forum will follow the movie where he will talk about his recent village ordinance that made Cliff Village the second municipality in MO to approve of medical marijuana, after Columbia in 2004. See more info on his story here: OR AT Let's all invite a couple people and get a great turnout at this event. All you gotta do is: 1> Go to the event page: 2> Click on "Invite People to Come" 3> Add some friends 4> Click on "Send Invitation" The best way to spread the word is for everyone to tell at least one person (preferably more!) Bring your friends! Waiting to Inhale examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. Twelve states have passed legislation to protect patients who use medical marijuana. Yet opponents claim the medical argument is just a smokescreen for a different agenda-- to legalize marijuana for recreation and profit. What claims are being made, and what are the stakes? Waiting to Inhale takes viewers inside the lives of patients who have been forever changed by illness—and parents who lost their children to addiction. Is marijuana really a gateway drug? What evidence is there to support the claim that marijuana can alleviate some of the devastating symptoms of AIDS, cancer and multiple sclerosis? Waiting to Inhale sheds new light on this controversy and presents shocking new evidence that marijuana could hold a big stake in the future of medicine. Attendees will also hear details and be encouraged to mobilize and get active in contacting their elected representatives regarding Missouri's just introduced medical marijuana legislation, House Bill 277, an act to exempt qualified medical cannabis patients from state arrest and prosecution. Visit this site to take action on HB 277: For more information, contact Kelly at 417-291-0135 or [email protected]. For more information about Waiting to Inhale, visit the film's official website at

Joplin Public Library (main meeting room)
300 S. Main Street
Joplin, MO
United States