This is a rare chance to meet the other side head-on and show your discontent with wasteful, ineffective marijuana eradication programs and the Drug Czar and his policies generally.
John P. Walters, Director of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will be in Shasta County, California to conduct a marijuana eradication site visit as well as to attend the kickoff of a Federal, State and local law enforcement marijuana eradication initiative, Operation Alesia, a three-tiered marijuana eradication initiative coordinated by the California National Guard's Counterdrug Taskforce and the Shasta County Sheriff's Office.
Following the marijuana eradication site visit, Director Walters and officials with the United States Forest Service, the California National Guard, and the Shasta County Sheriff's Office will participate in a media availability, providing a briefing of Operation Alesia and the day's eradication activities.
Go let the Drug Czar know how you feel!
U.S. Department of Agriculture Service Center
3644 Avtech Parkway
Shasta-Trinity Conference Room
Redding, CA
United States
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