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Policial: Informante en caso de redada mortífera en Atlanta interpone demanda

Alex White construyó su carrera como informante de la policía de Atlanta, pero cuando ellos le pidieron que mintiera por ellos en el caso Kathryn Johnston, se dirigió a los federales. Ahora está interponiendo una demanda en contra de la policía de Atlanta, afirmando que su carrera de soplón ha sido arruinada.

Policial: Las historias de policías corruptos de esta semana

Un destacamento antidroga de Indiana enfrenta algunos interrogatorios por bienes incautados, la Policía de Nueva York no logra encontrar algunas pruebas en casos de delitos de drogas, un laboratorio de pericia criminal tejano se pone ganancioso, así como un policía de Indiana.

Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Busy, busy this week, with miscreants in blue popping up all over the place. A New York City drug squad is under scrutiny, while a New Mexico drug squad gets back to work, a Boston cop goes to prison, and cops from Florida, Ohio, and Minnesota get busted for their shenanigans, as do a pair of Texas jailers.

Grow-ops Growing Bigger

RCMP crime analyst,Parvin Girn did a master's thesis on marijuana grow ops.She says the average grow-op is now located in a house on a large lot,hidden behind bushes and growing more dope than ever.This is due to the recent crack down by authorities,she reports.She does give a mention to the collusion of the power company but only as a side bar.The average grow,sits on a 18,113 foot lot.She claims police have a harder time getting warrants due to having to remain off site to do observations.Any-one that buys that ,I have a bridge in Brooklyn you can buy,cheap.The average grow op has expanded to 488 plants from 277 with 178% more lights.Shipments have gone from 50 lbs to 500.Grows use more than 93 kws.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Drug Dealers Open Fire on Santa Claus Helicopter," "Candy Flavored Meth is Safer Than Regular Meth," "Congress Just Says No to Anti-Drug Propaganda," "If You Oppose Harm Reduction, You Support AIDS and Death," "Dutch Police Insist on Smoking Marijuana Off-Duty."