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Testing, testing, 123... round 7, this is a fairly complicated system thus far...

It Can't be Stopped

As police departments around the country struggle to eradicate outdoor marijuana crops before the fall harvest, rogue cannabis plants are fighting back.


Lobbyes and paranóia.

Somehow, We managed to scare them heavely... troughout the entire world, the lobbys of Prohibition, as them action shows lately, are in a unspeakable state of sheer panic. We have being winning some big battles, and theyr forming ranks to overthrow us back "down the hatch". Yes, is a magnific picture to look at, as we know that the new generations wont be so easely subdued and kept ignorant, or accept the idea of "one" imposed on many...nor they will be misleded as our parentes wore (and still are), of the dangers of this or the goodness of that. Today, people start to see things clearly, and thats why our beloved fascist industrial entrepeneur friends are so scared about, so scared that they re-started or are triyng to bring back to life the more than dead ideas about how to deal with the drug ishue, an ishue that is only an ISHUE due to PROHIBITION, and nothing else. The "flagelation" is not the drugs, wich have been used since we were in caves and clearly took us out of them, but the PROHIBITION started 60 years ago by the lobbyes of fabric, farmacie and oils, just to name a few, to erradicate cannabis in all forms, industrial or recreational...those same people are now battling desasperately, and with tons of reason. We wont stand back, we are not afraid of you, and you and your ideas and politics and state and mass manipulation are dying and putrifying as fast as an rotten apple on august. As you "attack" "harm redution" affairs as if it was some kind of crime, and as if the drugs didn´t existed the same, and as if it wasn´t so, so, so much more worse, for ALL, as you do that, you are not beying heard as you once were, or believed in a single word you spell...PROHIBITION is bad, prohibition is deadly, unhumanly distorced on any "truths", it does´nt adresses the ishue in any way what so ever and as YOU KNOW BY NOW, PROHIBITION IS DEAD!

Imposición de la Ley: Las Historias de Policías Corruptos de Esta Semana

Un desempeño repetido de un juez de Alabama con una mala costumbre seria, algunos policías de Chicago aceptan acuerdos por robar a traficantes de drogas, un par de aviadores estadounidenses siendo condenados por actuar como entregadores de drogas y un comisario de una pequeña ciudad de Tejas buscando trabajo después que le hicieron demasiadas preguntas sobre el paradero de algún dinero de transacciones de drogas.

An Utter Fantasy

I wrote this for the foks in my church, about what it could be like if our religion was permitted to evangelize like other religions through the RFRA. I thought you might like it too. Our church has a web site:

Introducing Myself

My name is Pamela Watson. I am an Australian anthropologist and pharmacist. I am interested in drugs through time and space, not just specific contemporary issues. Some of my publications include:
In The Trenches

Drug Users Go to Court to Keep Safe Injection Site Open

Press Release – For Immediate Release, August 31, 2006 Drug Users go to Court to keep Safe Injection Site Open Vancouver – The Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) will seek an injunction in BC Supreme Court to prevent the federal government from closing Insite, North America’s first safe injection site.
In The Trenches

Bungled DEA Raid Raises Troubling Questions

California NORML Release, Aug 31 2006 Yesterday's DEA raid at Trichome Healing Center in Van Nuys ended in a stand-down. No arrests were made. An undercover DEA team arrived without a warrant. One agent tried to gain entry with a bad ID, but was turned down. The agent blew his cool, a security guard saw his gun and thought he was a robber; a scuffle broke out, and other agents came to the rescue. After several hours, the DEA procured a warrant from a local judge. The DEA left the scene after midnight, but not before calling in a professional safecracker to clean out the premises. In the meantime, patient advocates were on hand protesting. Degee Coutee called an LAPD operator, who appeared unaware of the raid. LAPD arrived and reassured the crowd that they had a right to protest and take pictures.