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Medical Marijuana in New York

Presented by the Drugs and the Law Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 42 West 44th Street (off Fifth Ave.) Thousands of patients obtain and use marijuana under the laws of eleven states providing for its medical use. Except in the case of the handful of patients who obtain marijuana from the federal government, federal law prohibits any use, sale, or cultivation of marijuana. Join the Drugs and the Law Committee for a discussion of proposed medical marijuana legislation for New York and the growing body of cases addressing this conflict between state and federal law.

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Reducción de Daños: Expertos Piden Providencias Urgentes Mientras Crece el Número de Muertes por Sobredosis Relacionada con Fentanil

Más de 120 expertos en medicina, departamentos de salud pública y grupos de defensa de la marihuana medicinal han firmado una carta que insta al Secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos, Mike Leavitt, a tomar providencias agresivas para detener la onda de sobredosis fatales relacionadas con la heroína mezclada con el opiáceo sintético fentanil.