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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • parthenon_17.gif

    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
  • No end in sight to Mexico's prohibition-related violence. (Image via Wikimedia)
    No end in sight to Mexico's prohibition-related violence. (Image via Wikimedia)

    Mexico Drug War Update

    Two El Paso teenagers were among the victims of prohibition-related violence in Mexico this past week. The death toll since Calderon took office is now at more than 35,000.
  • Iran display, UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna 2008
    Iran display, UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna 2008

    Iran Declares War on Meth

    The Islamic Republic is resorting to the same old hard-line tactics as it confronts a new -- to Iran -- drug threat.
  • Busy with bans in Richmond (image via Wikimedia)
    Busy with bans in Richmond (image via Wikimedia)

    Virginia Legislature Passes Fake Marijuana Bills

    The Virginia legislature has taken a couple of giant steps toward banning fake pot. Bills have unanimously passed both the House and Senate and now need only to be reconciled before heading to the governor.