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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

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    Donate Today to Help End Drug Prohibition needs your support to continue our work during the most important time in drug reform we've ever seen. We have gifts to send you too, with donations of $15 or more.
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    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_72.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Legislatures are in session across the land, and that's reflected in our update this week. Bills are moving, generally, but not, always in the right direction. Meanwhile, Arkansas looks ahead to 2014, and Oakland wants back in the Harborside case.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    The Tulsa police corruption scandal is the gift that keeps on giving, Jackson, MS, cops head to prison, and more cops want pills too badly for their own good.
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    Hawaii State Capitol (

    Hawaii Senate Okays Marijuana Decriminalization

    The Hawaii House earlier this session rejected marijuana legalization; now, it will have a chance to vote on decriminalization after a bill passed the state Senate.
  • "S.O.S." web site celebrates defeat of Hawaii marijuana legalization bill
    "S.O.S." web site celebrates defeat of Hawaii marijuana legalization bill

    US, International Drug Warriors Attack State Marijuana Legalization [FEATURE]

    As Attorney General Eric Holder prepared to appear before a congressional committee Wednesday, former drug warriors Tuesday called on him to enforce federal marijuana laws. The International Narcotics Control Board chimed in with criticism of legalization, too.
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    Public Benefits Drug Test Bill Advances in Kansas

    Have you ever worked in an industry where there is drug testing? If so, that's "reasonable suspicion" you are a drug user, according to a public benefits drug testing bill that has passed the Kansas Senate.