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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Coming soon to a Washington state retail store near you.
    Coming soon to a Washington state retail store near you.

    Chronicle AM -- November 21, 2013

    Movement toward legal marijuana commerce continues in Washington, movement toward dispensaries continues in Massachusetts, medical marijuana polls very well in Florida, and more.
  • pile-of-cash_138.jpg

    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A quiet week on the corrupt cops front this week. We've got a pill-poppin' New England trooper stealing from the dead and a former New Orleans cop caught trying to peddle dope.
  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_107.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_107.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Federal agencies are beginning to work on the banking problem for medical marijuana businesses, the District of Columbia is looking at why its program is so tiny, and New Mexico can't keep up with medical marijuana demand. And there's much more, too.
  • Maryland gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur wants to legalize marijuana. (
    Maryland gubernatorial candidate Heather Mizeur wants to legalize marijuana. (

    Chronicle AM -- November 20, 2013

    A Maryland gubernatorial candidate and a Maine legislator both call for marijuana legalization, politicians are in trouble for using drugs (at least one of them a bonafide hypocrite for it), and marijuana law reforms appear to be advancing internationally, except in one Australian state. That's just for starters.
  • NYPD practices stop-and-frisk techniques (
    NYPD practices stop-and-frisk techniques (

    New York AG Report Slams NYPD Stop-and-Frisk

    New York's attorney general has examined the stop-and-frisk tactics of the NYPD in a new report. Only a miniscule fraction of stops result in an arrest for a serious crime, he found.
  • Crackdowns on pain pills are leading the way to comeback for heroin. (
    Crackdowns on pain pills are leading the way to comeback for heroin. (

    Chronicle AM -- November 19, 2013

    Hmmm, on the same day the DEA warns that "marijuana availability seems to be on the increase," hundreds of people apply for licenses to sell pot in Washington state. Times are changing, and somebody needs to let the DEA know. And there's more news, too.
  • Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) filed a bill to protect the gun rights of legal marijuana users.
    Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) filed a bill to protect the gun rights of legal marijuana users.

    Chronicle AM -- November 18, 2013

    A bill to protect the guns rights of legal marijuana users has been filed, hempsters hit the halls of Congress, a new medical marijuana bill is filed in Pennsylvania, and more.
  • Amsterdam cannabis cafes near schools will have to close during the day, although kids can't go in them anyway. (
    Amsterdam cannabis cafes near schools will have to close during the day, although kids can't go in them anyway. (

    Chronicle AM -- November 15, 2013

    The future of medical marijuana under Washington state's legalization scheme remains a hot topic, the DEA is banning more new synthetics, there are contradictory signals from Holland, and more news, too.