A former Border Patrol agent heads for federal prison and a Kentucky corrections officer gets busted in Oklahoma. Let's get to it:
In El Reno, Oklahoma, a Lexington, Kentucky, corrections officer was arrested April 24 on drug charges. Sgt. Netoria Campbell, a 12-year veteran community corrections officer, is facing charges of aggravated trafficking of illegal drugs. She has been suspended and placed on unpaid administrative leave pending the results of an investigation. No further information is available.In Sells, Arizona, a former Border Patrol agent was sentenced Tuesday to 18 years in federal prison for using his Border Patrol vehicle to drive into the desert, pick up two duffle bags full of dope and transfer them to a co-conspirator at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Carlos Victor Passapera Pinott, 56, pleaded guilty last July to bribery of a public official and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine, fentanyl, and heroin. He went down after the guys he handed the dope load off to were stopped by law enforcement after leaving the airport parking lot, and the cops discovered more than 40 pounds of cocaine, a kilogram of heroin, and a kilogram of fentanyl. Cops later seized $311,000 in cash from Passapera's safe deposit box.
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