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Drug War Chronicle #614 - December 29, 2009

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Countdown: Three Days Left to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation in 2009!

Drug War Chronicle publishes mid-week this week because of the timing of the two holidays. We will resume our regular schedule with issue #615 on Friday, January 8.

The Year on Drugs 2009: The Top Ten US Domestic Drug Policy Stories

What a year! A lot happened in 2009 when it comes to drug policy, much of it good. Last issue we reviewed the international developments. This last week of the year, we take a look at what we see as the ten most important domestic drug policy stories the year brought us.

The Year on Drugs 2009: International Drug Policy Developments

The war in Afghanistan, the rising tide of drug reform in Latin America, and battles over drug policies in European countries are among the dominant international drug policy stories of 2009. (Reprinted from last week's issue to accompany this week's top ten domestic drug policy stories feature.)

Medical Marijuana: Rhode Island Releases Draft of Proposed Dispensary Rules

Rhode Island approved adding a dispensary system to its medical marijuana program this spring, and now the state Department of Health has promulgated proposed rules to regulate it. But even if all goes well -- and non-controversially -- it could be another year before a dispensary actually starts dispensing.