A Democratic presidential contender rolls out a package of veterans' medical marijuana bills, the Alabama Senate has approved a restrictive medical marijuana bill, edibles are coming to Maryland, and more.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Seth Moulton Files Three Veterans' Medical Marijuana Bills. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), who recently announced he is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, filed three House bills concerning medical marijuana for military veterans on Friday. The bills are identical to ones he has filed in the past. One would direct the VA to survey marijuana use by vets, a second would require the VA to train doctors and other primary care providers in the therapeutic use of marijuana, while the third would direct the VA to create a medical marijuana policy.
Alabama Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill. The Senate on Thursday approved a restrictive medical marijuana bill, SB 236. The bill allows for medical marijuana use for specified conditions if other treatments are not working. At least two physicians must sign off on the recommendation, and patients must submit to random drug testing. The bill now goes to the House.
Louisiana House Passes Bill Allowing for Vaped Marijuana. The House on Tuesday voted 73-3 to approve a bill that would allow medical marijuana patients to inhale their medicine via a vape or atomizer, but not smoke it. The bill now heads to the Senate.
Maryland Governor Signs Bills Allowing Edibles. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) on Monday signed into law a bill legalizing edible medical marijuana products. That should lead to increased sales in the state's dispensaries.
Nebraska Medical Marijuana Bill Advances. A bill that would allow medical marijuana to be recommended for a list of qualifying conditions has advanced out of the Judiciary Committee on a 5-1 vote. The bill, LB 110, now heads for a floor vote in the unicameral legislature. The measure doesn't allow for smoked marijuana or for home cultivation, and patients must have a physical exam and be assessed for alcohol and substance abuse and for a personal or family history of psychotic disorders.
New Jersey
New Jersey to Expand Medical Marijuana Program. Starting next week, the Health Department has new legal authority to expand the supply and demand for medical marijuana in the state. The department will be able to create a permit-granting system that splits the industry between growers, manufacturers, and retailers. That should open the door to smaller players, help the industry grow, and generate more medicine. Also, the health commissioner will be empowered to add qualifying medical conditions. This does away with the cumbersome Marijuana Review Panel.
(This article was prepared by StoptheDrugWar.org's 501(c)(4) lobbying nonprofit, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also pays the cost of maintaining this website. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.)
[For extensive information about the medical marijuana debate, presented in a neutral format, visit MedicalMarijuana.ProCon.org.]
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Fuck the fascist, sexist, treasonous, white supremacist GOP
All Democratic bills for drug policy reform, whether in the Senate or the House, demonstrate the Democrats' commitment to reform. The same is true with Democrats efforts to protect Healthcare from Trump, to protect women from Trump, to protect blacks from Trump, to protect black women from Trump, to protect refugees from Trump, to protect the environment from Trump, to protect workers from Trump, to protect farmers from Trump, to protect children from Trump, to protect veterans from Trump, to protect national security from Trump, to protect gays from Trump, to protect Muslims from Trump, and even to protect helpless endangered wild animals from Trump; but these bills are going precisely nowhere, because neither Trump, nor McConnell, nor Putin, will permit it.
The Republicans oppose all drug policy reform, so let's not be fucking idiots about that, okay, please? Fuck them lying assholes! Please!! What a pathological liar like Trump "says" doesn't mean shit, obviously. Anybody who believes Trump will sign any progressive legislation is either lying, stupid, or both.
Let us stop begging the Republicans for mercy and crumbs which we will never receive.
FUCK Trump and the Republicans! Let us kick their hateful asses to the curb at the ballot box in 2020!! Then, we can get on with the business of civilization.
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