A bipartisan bill would protect federal workers in legal marijuana states from being fired for positive pot drug tests is filed, both chambers of the New York legislature put legal marijuana in their budget proposals, and more.

Bipartisan Bill Would Protect Federal Workers from Being Fired for Positive Marijuana Drug Test Results. Reps. Charlie Crist (D-FL) and Don Young (R-AK) have filed a bill that aims at protecting federal workers who use marijuana in compliance with state laws. Under current law, federal employees can be fired and potential federal employees not hired for using marijuana even in states where it is legal. The Fairness in Federal Drug Testing Under State Laws Act isn’t on the congressional website but can be viewed here.
New York Assembly, Senate Include Pot Legalization Language in Budget Proposals. In moves signaling support for marijuana legalization, both chambers of the legislature have included legalization language in their annual budget proposals. The Assembly’s budget proposal includes home cultivation, even though Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) proposal does not.
Medical Marijuana
Arkansas Senate Committee Votes to Restrict Edible and Drinkable Medical Marijuana. The Senate Public Health Committee voted Wednesday to approve SB 440, which was originally written to ban the manufacture or sale of medical marijuana edibles or potables. But the bill as passed by the committee was amended to not ban such products, but to require legislative changes that will mandate a cumbersome regulatory process the industry doesn’t want.
Florida Bill to Allow Smokable Medical Marijuana Heads to Governor’s Desk. With a final vote in the House Wednesday, the legislature has approved SB 182, which repeals a prior legislative ban on smokable medical marijuana. Former Gov. Rick Scott (R) had supported the ban, appealing a lower court decision to end it, but current Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) had urged the legislature to end it, vowing to end the state’s appeal if lawmakers didn’t act by the end of this week.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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