New Hampshire Lawmaker Files Pair of Medical Marijuana Bills. Rep. Renny Cushing (D) has filed two bills related to medical marijuana. HB 366 would add opioid addiction as a qualifying condition, while HB 364 would allow patients and caregivers to grow their own medicine.
New York Bills Would Allow Medical Marijuana Smoking, Use at Schools. Sen. Gustavo Rivera (D) has pre-filed SB 490, which would allow patients to smoke their medicine, but bar smoking anyplace where tobacco smoking is banned, while Sen. Brian Benjamin (D) has pre-filed SB 219, which would allow designated caregivers to administer medical marijuana to patients on school grounds or school-sponsored events.
South Carolina Medical Marijuana Bill Prefiled. State Rep. Rosalyn Henderson-Myers (D-Spartanburg) has pre-filed a medical marijuana bill, HB 3081. The bill would allow patients to possess and consume -- but not grow -- marijuana. It would also allow licensed shops to cultivate and sell medical marijuana and require them to use laboratories for testing.
Texas Sees a Dozen Medical Marijuana Bills Filed. The session hasn't even opened yet, and there are 12 medical marijuana bills already pre-filed. Two to watch are SB 90, a standard medical marijuana bill, and SB 209, which would allow for the home cultivation of medical marijuana.
[For extensive information about the medical marijuana debate, presented in a neutral format, visit MedicalMarijuana.ProCon.org.]
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