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Green Wave: Marijuana Initiatives Go Three for Four in Midterms

Submitted by Phillip Smith on
Politics & Advocacy

The expansion of legal marijuana continued apace in Tuesday's elections, with medical marijuana initiatives winning in Missouri and Utah and recreational marijuana winning in Michigan. The only loss for weed came in North Dakota, where voters had approved medical marijuana two years ago, but weren't ready to take the next step this year.

In Michigan, the Proposal 1 legalization initiative was winning with 57.2% of the vote with 48% of the vote counted.

In Missouri, all three medical marijuana initiatives were winning with more than 2/3 of the votes counted. Amendment 3 had 68.5% support, Amendment 2 had 64.5% support, and Proposition C had 57.2%. If two amendment on the same subject both pass, the one with the most votes wins. 

[Update: I misread the Missouri results. Amendment 3 actually lost, with 68.5% opposed.]

In Utah, the Proposition 2 medical marijuana initiative was winning with 54.6% of the vote with more than half the votes counted late Tuesday night.

In North Dakota, the cold wind of prairie conservatism was strong enough to snuff out the Measure 3 legalization initiative. With nearly 90% of the votes counted, the initiative was losing 60%-40%.

Come back tomorrow for a deeper dive into the results. 

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