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Chronicle AM: NY Gubernatorial Marijuana Politics Heats Up, Los Angeles Legal Sales Coming Soon, More... (1/16/18)

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #1006)

A would-be Republican New York governor calls for marijana legalization, the sitting Democratic New York governor announces he will appoint a panel to study legalization, Los Angeles legal recreational marijuana sales will begin soon, and more.

Marijuana Policy

New York GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Calls for Marijuana Legalization. Former Erie County executive Joel Giambra, who is seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination, is calling for the legalization of recreational marijuana. Giambra cited tax revenues from legal weed, which he said could be used for transportation infrastructure, including the New York City subway system.

New York Governor Will Appoint Panel to Study Marijuana Legalization. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) will appoint a panel to study marijuana legalization, he said during his budget address in Albany Tuesday. Last year, Cuomo said he opposed legalization, saying marijuana was a "gateway drug," but he is now signaling a new openness to the idea.

Los Angeles Legal Weed Sales to Begin Soon. A medical marijuana dispensary in Studio City is set to be the first shop selling legal recreational marijuana in Los Angeles. WHTC has received the first recreational sales license from the city, but is still awaiting final approval from the state. WHTC said it hopes to be open for recreational sales "in the near future."

Medical Marijuana

Maryland Legislature Takes Up Racial Justice in the Marijuana Industry. The General Assembly ran into controversy Monday as it took up the contentious issue of including marijuana companies led by African-Americans in the state's nascent medical marijuana industry. Under a compromise negotiated by legislative and industry leaders since last spring, the state would create five new growing licenses but also put a moratorium on further industry expansion for up to 10 years. But lawmakers worried that regulators could move fast enough to get minority firms off the ground and competitive with current growers. Another issue of concern was whether the 10-year moratorium gave too much protection to current growers. The Senate will hold a hearing on the proposal next week.

(This article was prepared by's 501(c)(4) lobbying nonprofit, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also pays the cost of maintaining this web site. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.)

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