President Trump has been making some disturbing authoritarian and bloodthirsty private remarks about what he'd like to do to drug dealers, according to a new report from Axios. Worse yet, his dark fulminations may foreshadow some repressive policy prescriptions not too far down the road.

"He says that a lot, said one source close to the Trump. "He says, 'When I ask the prime minister of Singapore do they have a drug problem [the prime minister replies,] 'No. Death penalty'."
It's not just Singapore that has caught the president's eye. He also reportedly has a soft spot for other hardline countries, such as China, the world's leading executioner, and the Philippines, where the bloody drug war led by President Rodrigo Duterte has left at least 12,000 dead and resulted in an ongoing investigation by the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity.
According to "a senior administration official," Trump envies their approaches: "He often jokes about killing drug dealers... He'll say, 'You know the Chinese and Filipinos don't have a drug problem. They just kill them.'"
As is so often the case, the president is misinformed about the success of harshly repressive drug policies. The Chinese government itself qualified its illicit drug situation as "severe and growing" last May, and an unusual public trial and execution of drug offenders in Lufeng, southern China, last December, was described by analysts as showing that "authorities are frustrated and desperate in their fight against illegal drugs."
Similarly, while the Philippines had a methamphetamine problem before Duterte unleashed his drug war, it still has a meth problem. And despite all the arrests and killings, the price of meth on the street is cheaper than ever.
Trump seems obsessed with fighting drugs, according to the Axios report. It cites five sources who've spoken with Trump on the subject who say "he often leaps into a passionate speech about how drug dealers are as bad as serial killers and should all get the death penalty" and that softer approaches to drug reform will never work.
Instead, "Trump has said he would love to have a law to execute all drug dealers here in America, though he's privately admitted it would probably be impossible to get a law this harsh passed under the American system."
Trump's opioid policy point person, Kellyanne Conway, who spoke on the record with Axios, said his position is actually more nuanced, with the president talking about "high-volume dealers who are killing thousands of people."
But the legislation Conway said he may back would increase mandatory minimum sentences for people dealing in as little as two grams of fentanyl. Under current federal law, it takes 40 grams of the drug to trigger a five-year mandatory minimum.
"There is an appetite among many law enforcement, health professionals and grieving families that we must toughen up our criminal and sentencing statutes to match the new reality of drugs like fentanyl, which are so lethal in such small doses," Conway said. "The president makes a distinction between those that are languishing in prison for low-level drug offenses and the kingpins hauling thousands of lethal doses of fentanyl into communities, that are responsible for many casualties in a single weekend."
Conway may claim the president has a nuanced approach, but the Axios reporting on his diatribes suggest otherwise. Trump doesn't really do nuance, and his natural tendency is toward the billy club. This doesn't bode well for progressive drug polices as long as his administration is around, although Democrats taking control of at least one house of Congress could seriously hinder his ability to do damage on this -- and many other -- fronts.
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Marijuana drug laws
In 1997, my son, just barely 18 yrs old was arrested and subsequently indicted for violations of the narcotics laws in Maryland- mostly possession of marijuana. The reason for such a draconian action was a over zealous sheriff who was voted out in the next election. Many thousands of dollars later and after my sons reputation was destroyed - he had a conviction for marijuana possession. This criminal record kept him from working for a major corporation and the U.S. government although he has an engineering degree from a prestigious university. Now that this "terrible" crime has been erased from the statue books in Maryland, he is getting an expungement and in the eyes of the law- this offense never occurred. Forget the great damage that has been done to his promising life. Because of this incident affecting my son, I have become a fervent supporter of the crusade to change the antiquated and onerous laws regarding marijuana. My heart goes out to others that have suffered for similar offense such as my son has.
The DEA needs to take cannabis off of the schedule 1 list then the government needs to make cannabis legal in our country. We have been lied to by the government and paid off politicians for many decades about cannabis and its time has come for full legalization. Its time to give adults a choice over other legal substances.Legalization will not completely eliminate the black market and cartels but will certainly narrow it down to a much smaller scale and legaization will keep billions of dollars in our country that would have gone to other countries in black market sales.
Just Wondering
I wonder why I seem to be the only person who gives significance to the fact that Trump has not uttered the word "marijuana" since he was elected. - This seems to be an amazing feat of self-control for someone who infamously, can't seem to control his mouth or twitter fingers.
In reply to Just Wondering by JohnThomas (not verified)
Trump damn sure won't hesitate to crack down if he decides to!
"The psycho hasn't killed me YET" is little comfort.
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