A strange tale out of Kentucky, and two New York cops get slapped on the wrist for their misdeeds. Let's get to it:

In Troy, New York, a former Troy police officer was sentenced last Thursday to probation for telling a drug dealer he was being targeted in a raid. Brian Gross, 33, a member of the Community Narcotics Enforcement Team, admitted to disclosing information contained in a wiretap warrant. He told a female friend the narcs were investigating her brother and planned to raid his home. The targeted dealer apparently spread the word, because police hit five houses that day as part of a drug investigation and came up empty-handed.
In White Plains, New York, a former Yonkers narcotics detective was sentenced last Thursday to spend eight weekends in jail for lying to get a search warrant for a drug raid in which a man fell to his death. Christian Koch had pleaded guilty to perjury charges along with his partner, former officer Neil Vera, who got six months of weekends in jail.
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