It's jail and prison guards gone bad this week, plus a trio of suburban Cleveland narcs get nailed, and a Customs agent goes to prison for waving a load of marijuana through his port of entry. Let's get to it:

In Cleveland, three former suburban Cleveland narcotics detectives were arrested last Thursday on charges they schemed to steal thousands of dollars from drug dealers. Torris Moore, 42; Antonio Malone, 33; and Eric Jones, 38, all resigned from the East Cleveland Police in the past year, and two of them appear to be cooperating with authorities. Only Moore was actually physically arrested; the other two, the apparent cooperators, were charged by information and will have to appear in court. They are charged with conducting illegal searches and other crimes to rob drug dealers, filing falsified reports, and conspiracy.
In Hagatna, Guam, a former prison guard was sentenced last Thursday to 57 months in prison for smuggling drugs and other contraband into the prison. Eugene Sunega went down when he was searched upon arriving at work one day and prison staff found methamphetamine, a pipe, and other contraband in his belongings. He had pleaded guilty in April to one count of bringing contraband into the prison.
In Brownsville, Texas, a former US Customs and Border Patrol officer was sentenced last Friday to six and a half years in federal prison for letting vehicles loaded with marijuana go through his port of entry post unimpeded. Jose Luis Zavala went down when a van he had cleared was subjected to a second inspection and Customs officers found 3,000 pounds of Mexican marijuana in it. The driver bailed out and ran back to Mexico. He was convicted of allowing drugs to enter the US.
In New York City, a former NYC jail guard was sentenced Tuesday to 41 months in federal prison for smuggling and selling drugs at the Rikers Island prison. Austin Romaine, 33, had been found guilty of smuggling marijuana, tobacco, and other contraband to inmates, with the DEA testifying that he had been paid $11,000 for his efforts. It's not clear what the exact charges were.
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Money stolen
Whether it is the secret police (Narc) or the Gov. the money is taken.
Prohibition is also a license to steal. Prohibitionists will do anything to hide the fallacy of the laws they railroaded through.
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