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Hemp Legalization Amendment Introduced for Farm Bill

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #785)
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Monday introduced an amendment to the omnibus farm bill to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp, the Huffington Post reported. The move picked up momentum the next day, when Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) said he would support, the Huffington Post reported separately.

hemp field at sunrise (
Vote Hemp, a hemp industry group, has been urging supporters to lobby senators to add and support the amendment. There is an opening on the farm bill this year because it failed to pass last year.

"For me, what's important is that people see, particularly in our state, there's someone buying it at Costco in Oregon," Wyden told the Post. "I adopted what I think is a modest position, which is if you can buy it at a store in Oregon, our farmers ought to be able to make some money growing it."

Wyden wasn't alone. The bipartisan amendment is cosponsored by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Rand Paul (R-KY).

On Tuesday, Sen. Leahy told members of the farm advocacy group Rural Vermont he would support the amendment, and a Leahy aide confirmed his support to the Post.

"We are optimistic that the hemp amendment to the farm bill will pass and be attached," Tom Murphy, the national outreach coordinator for Vote Hemp, told the Post. "We just received word from Rural Vermont that Sen. Patrick Leahy will support the amendment."

This week's moves come after McConnell tried and failed last week to get the amendment added to the farm bill. Now, momentum appears to be mounting.


FlyingTooLow (not verified)

"In 1916, the US Government predicted that by the 1940's, all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees."
---Department of Agriculture
Refocus on the economy...

We are on the very edge of a monumental leap for mankind.

Just as learning to make fire...the wheel...the bronze age...and the Industrial Revolution...brought to our civilizations tremendous progress...we are again at that point.

The same advancements will come with the RE-legalization of cannabis...hemp...marijuana...pot...whatever you may choose to call it.

This plant, and what may be produced from its many parts, will bring such changes into our world, that we will ALL move forward as a species. The benefits will affect all of mankind.

Those of us alive and aware today, are going to be witnesses to life-changing improvements.

We have some of the most fertile farm ground in the world. And the knowledge of how it may best be used.

Let us make this happen!

We are ready to make the jump to light speed.

Please, don't stand in the way.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
Hugh Yonn 
Thu, 05/23/2013 - 3:06pm Permalink

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