According to NBC Los Angeles, deputies were serving a "narcotics" search warrant at the multi-unit rural property in the desert community of Littlerock at 7:30am. Lt. Dave Dolson told the TV station deputies entered the home through an unlocked front door, and one deputy fired when they encountered a man armed with a handgun. The man, who may have been the property owner, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Later Thursday afternoon, the Sheriff's Department released a statement on the killing.
"When deputies approached a rear bedroom at the location, they encountered an 80-year-old male who was armed with a semi-automatic handgun. The suspect pointed the handgun at the deputies and a deputy-involved shooting occurred," the statement read.
Deputies recovered the gun, marijuana, and growing equipment at the home where the man was shot. Residents who lived in other units on the property were detained, but later released.
The shooting will be investigated separately by several agencies, including the offices of the Los Angeles County District Attorney and Coroner, and the Sheriff's Homicide and Internal Affairs bureaus.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Home Invasion
The odd`s of you entering a home as a stranger and being confronted with a person with a gun is 50% . Those are high odd`s . Could this have been handled in a less terroristic manner ? Of course . Another example of Drug War Police Terrorism . This act of terrorism obviously did not happen in a gated community . It never does .
In reply to Home Invasion by kickback (not verified)
Right in general, wrong on specifics
It took me all of 11 seconds (and only a fraction of a second for Google itself) to find 6,210,000 results for "police raids in gated communities." (If the link fails, it only means you'll likely get a few more results the longer you wait...)
Of the top five that I scanned before returning to this post, they were all drug raids except (probably) for the last, which reported the French police raid on the home (oui, in a gated community) of former president Nicolas Sarkozy. So, in fact, the police do perform paramilitary raids wherever they damn well please, and you need way bigger money than most gated communities' cost of entry to avoid them... continued offsite
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Innaccurate Account of this Sotry
From what I read this story is not even accurate. The police were there because they suspected a Meth Lab operation. They burst in and killed the man in his bed (doubt he had a gun while lying in bed). They later found two guns on the premises, and a small amount of marijuana the son had. Cops being cops, no justice when cops are policing themselves.
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