When marijuana is legalized, states across the country as well as Congress will look at what regulations they want to implement as part of that, with age limits for currently legal drugs like alcohol a likely topic.
Did you know the legal drinking age in 138 countries varies from totally banned at one end to no age limits at the other? Read the details on drinkingage.procon.org, part of the ProCon.org family.
Follow Drug War Chronicle for more important facts from ProCon.org over the next few weeks, or sign up for ProCon.org's email list or RSS feed. Click here for last week's Chronicle Did You Know segment.
ProCon.org is a web site promoting critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan primarily pro-con format.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
two suggestions for ProCon.org
A state by state comparison of penalties for marijuana possession vs. penalties for drunk driving. And a state by state comparison of penalties for marijuana distribution (and personal gardening) vs. penalties for drunk driving killers.
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