Drug War Issues
Bad cops pay out big in New York, a sheriff cleans house in Florida, a sticky-fingered cop gets in trouble in North Carolina, and a California cop gets caught with his fingers in the dope jar. Let's get to it:

In New York City, two Brooklyn undercover officers have been hit with a huge judgment for falsely arresting two brothers for selling cocaine. Brothers Jose and Maximo Colon were at a nightclub in Elmhurst in 2008 when plainclothes Officers Henry Tavarez, Steven Anderson and Alan Figueroa arrived. They were shortly joined by Det. Miguel Caraval, who told the Colon brothers they were under arrest. But security video footage from the club showed that the brothers had never talked to any of the police, and the charges were dismissed. Attorneys for the city suggested that one of the officers had planted cocaine on the pair. The brothers filed a civil rights lawsuit, which the city settled by paying them $150,000 each. Figueroa paid a nominal payment to the brothers for their settlements and charges were dismissed against Caraval. But Officers Tavarez and Anderson did not respond to their complaints, and were slapped last week with default judgments of roughly $210,000 each.
In Carlsbad, California, a Carlsbad police detective has been charged with two felony counts after being arrested in January. Detective Michael Koch, an 18-year-veteran, got caught stealing drugs from the evidence room by coworkers. He had heroin in his pocket when he got busted. He faces one count of felony burglary and one count of felony drug possession at his March 16 arrangement and is looking at up to 3 ½ years in jail. But he's still on paid leave, and still drawing his $72,000 a year salary.
In Smithfield, North Carolina, a former Benson police officer pleaded guilty Monday to charges that he'd stolen $850 cash that was evidence in a drug investigation. Randall William "Randy" Beasley, 43, was charged in January with obstructing justice and altering, destroying or stealing evidence of criminal conduct. As part of a deal with prosecutors, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor larceny and obstructing justice, and the other charge was dropped. Beasley got sentenced to 18 months of supervised probation and ordered to perform 24 hours of community service. He also received two 45-day suspended jail sentences, so he won't serve time unless he violates probation.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
FCC May Grant Police Authority to Shutdown Cell Phone Networks
Didn’t Iran shut down cell phone networks which cutoff protestors reporting to the world Iran police and military were beating and killing protestors?
Now U.S. Police want the power to shutdown cell phone communications. What could American protestors and other U.S. Citizens expect after U.S. police…are permitted by the FCC to shutdown their cell phone communications? Can you trust the Police? Every week the press reports corrupt police selling drugs, robbing and shaking down drug dealers, filing false reports, planting evidence; committing perjury to send innocent Americans to prison. A Citizen’s Cell phone can be their only hope of communicating and proving evidence of police brutality. That is why despot governments increasingly shut down cell phone networks when crushing political dissent. There may be rare circumstances that Government can justify suspending cell phone communications, for instance to stymie terrorists phone communications in a given area. Otherwise it may be time for lawful-demonstrations, protest and written articles against the FCC and any arm of government that supports giving (police arbitrary power) to shutdown Americans’ cell phones.
See: FCC Considering Granting Police Authority to Shut Down Cell Phone Networks at:
Courts say we can video tape the cops.They don't like it!!
So why not ask if we can control there cell phones. After all most cell phones have video taping on them. Then we (cops) don't have to worry what the courts say Joe public can do to us. ABOVE THE LAW... Why give them that much more power over the people. Dam they are ready have the right to take a life. What more do they want....YES SIR BOSS....
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