Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

The campaign had earlier turned in 159,000 signatures, nearly twice the 86,000 needed to qualify. But on examining the signatures, state election officials found that nearly half were invalid, an usually high percentage.
The initiative would amend the state constitution to allow the use, possession, and limited growing of marijuana by persons aged 21 or over. It would also establish a system through which marijuana is taxed and regulated -- like alcohol.
If the initiative qualifies for the ballot, Colorado will become the second state to ask voters to choose to legalize marijuana this year. New Approach Washington has successfully placed a similar measure, I-502, on the Washington ballot. Legalization initiative campaigns are also underway in California, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Oregon, but none of those have passed the signature-gathering hurdle.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Im excited are u?
When o when? 2012 Baby!
Death to the drug war
Yeah, I'm excited.
I truly question
the invalidation of nearly half those signatures. Apparently, once before, it was deemed that there were not enough signatures to get an initiative on the ballot in CO (1998?) and when the person who declared there were not enough sigs died a year later, there were found more petitions in her office with more than sufficient valid sigs which had been excluded from the original count. Who's to say the same thing didn't happen this time? It seems those in power will stoop to any dirty tricks they can come up with to prevent legalization efforts from being successful. If reformers are not vigilant and demanding of proof (recheck and recount by different person/group) when these kinds of things are declared invalid (and when vote totals seem wrong, as they do so often these past few elections).
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