Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
There is a third poll in the past few days suggesting that Americans' attitudes toward marijuana legalization have reached the tipping point, if not toppled over it. A survey conducted over the weekend by Public Policy Polling (PPP) finds a record high 58% of respondents think pot should be legal, while only 39% think it should not.

It also comes just days before Americans are confronted with the reality of legal marijuana in one of the two states that legalized it last month. On Thursday, the provision of Washington's I-502 initiative allowing the adult possession of up to an ounce of marijuana goes into effect. The possession (and cultivation) provisions of Colorado's Amendment 64 will go into effect days later, by January 5 at the latest.
In the PPP poll, 33% of respondents felt "strongly" that marijuana should be legal, while another 25% agreed, but didn't feel strongly about it. Taking the two together, that's 58% in support of freeing the weed.
Poll respondents also wanted the federal government to allow Colorado and Washington to chart their own paths on marijuana (47%), with only one-third (33%) calling for the federal government to intervene. And a slight plurality (45%) said marijuana was safer than alcohol, while 42% said it was not safer.
There were few surprises in the cross-tabs. Support for legalization was stronger among men (62%) than among women (54%) and stronger among Democrats (68%) and independents (59%) than among Republicans (42%). Somewhat surprisingly, Hispanics reported stronger support for legalization (61%) than blacks (56%) or whites (55%). There was majority support for legalization among voters under 45, but not over. Still, even among the older folks, there was 47% support among 45-to-64-year-olds and 48% for the above-65 set.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ballot initiatives 2014!
It looks like almost all ballot initiatives that get put up in the next two years would win regardless of not being a presidential election in 2014.
Doubters: where are you now?
Anyone can talk trash about an online poll, but when we have stuff from PPP, Galup, and several major media outlets all saying the same thing, there is absolutely no denying it. Americans want legal weed. And we're going to get it. Politicians: Hop on board, or be left behind.
In reply to Doubters: where are you now? by Uncle Bob (not verified)
reeally looking like history in the making
Obama will have to defy both the people who want weed legal, including most of his base, and those who think states should decide. Between the two groups, that's a very solid majority. And if he doesn't come down hard on CO and WA (or even if he does) there's likely to be a flock of legalization initiatives in 2014. All as a steady rain of alcohol related catastrophes and steady lack of cannabis related catastrophes provides a 'The Emperor Has No Clothes' background to the last stages of the war on cannabis users.
Alcohol supremacist bigotry kills. It's very old and very in the way.
In reply to reeally looking like history in the making by saynotohypocrisy (not verified)
geez. Do I get a 1:30 in the morning excuse?
Where is the 58%?
Wait a minute. I looked at the linked survey and there wasn't anything in it that showed 58% want legalization. In fact, the number appears to be in the high 30% range. Where did the 58% number come from?
In reply to Where is the 58%? by Anonymous21312… (not verified)
There is this thing called math...
Should be legal, feel strongly 33%
Always question ALL Authority
new poll has record high on marijuana
The most useful plant on the planet
Marijuana aka cannabis hemp is the most useful plant on the planet. Food,, clothing, shelter, energy, medicine, insight, re-creation. Henry Ford even built a car out of it. Thanks to all who have helped in awakening the people. It seems that the polls can only go up.
The Prohibition of Cannabis is a crime against mankind
No no. Wait a second. I double checked the survey and there wasn't anything in it that showed 58% want legalization. I’m not sure where it has gone wrong. But you need to get the statistics right. Please keep sharing.
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