Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
An 8 News Now/Las Vegas Review-Journal poll has found little support for legalizing Amsterdam-style cannabis cafes or prostitution. Only 30% of respondents supported retail marijuana sales and only 19% supported legalizing prostitution.

only gambling allowed (image courtesy commons.wikimedia.org)
The poll was conducted last week by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research. The group surveyed 405 registered Clark County voters and had a margin of error of +/- 5%.
Setting up cannabis cafes would work against efforts to craft a more mainstream, family-friendly image for the long-time gambling destination, Mason-Dixon pollster Brad Coker told the Review-Journal. And hookers and hash bars may be too much even for the famously live-and-let-live city, he added. "Things are maybe a little desperate in Clark County these days, but I don't think they're quite that desperate yet," Coker said. "These kinds of issues push the limits of even a libertarian community. You could go to some very liberal communities, and the idea of legalizing prostitution would probably raise a few eyebrows."
The Marijuana Policy Project had spent nearly a decade attempting to convince Nevada voters to legalize marijuana before pulling out earlier this month because of funding problems. Also contributing to that decision was another poll earlier this month that had support for legalization at only 42%.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Nevada and Vegas will be sorry
if they ignore the trend toward legalization of cannabis for too long. Other cities and states will beat them to the punch and draw off a lot of the pleasure seekers who currently go to Vegas for the free wheeling vacations.
Vegas Fools
Their karma should be legalizing the hash bars and people loosing interest in spending $$ gambling!
I'd go to Vegas
I have limited interest in gambling, but if they legalized hash bars, now that's a society that I would support and would be more inclined to visit. I'm a 55 year old American citizen that doesn't need or want the government (or other Americans) telling me what to do in personal matters. The fact that the government does in this case is a travesty of fundamental American philosophy.
Prostitution? Since when is the government empowered to pass moral judgement on it's citizens. Given that it does is testament to the number of American citizens that are in fact un-American. Quit brainwashing our children into believing that we live in the "land of the free". Nowadays "freedom" means "having the freedom not to make our own choices, decisions, and destiny".
Las Vegas survey on legalizing prostitution and hash bars/
The results should be no surprise as many people in Las
Vegas profit through the illegality of prostitution with the women
in subjection to police and pimps. As for hash bars or cannabis
cafes, the biggest item of profit aside from gambling is sellilng
The people of Las Vegas live in a culture of convenient illegal
prostitution and wide use of alcohol. They extract money from
vacationers and water from the Colorado otherwise the city
with many middle-class families would be impossible to support
in the desert. Legal prostitution is shoved out into the desert
wastes where the "good" people don't have to look at it or
imagine what happens there.
Don't look for liberal ideas about the rights of the prostituted
women or the utility of cannabis cafes from the Las Vegans.
Thanks for your attention.
Free Lunch
I think a lot of hotels in Vegas offer free food and/or accommodation, knowing they'll get more that their money's worth back at the tables, even after they've supplied free drinks. You're right - cannabis and gambling probably wouldn't make for a profitable combination for them. The monkey drug, however, works every time!
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