Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
Proposition 19, the California Tax and Regulate Cannabis marijuana legalization initiative, is out-fundraising the organized opposition by a margin of more than ten-to-one, according to campaign finance reports filed Monday with the Secretary of State's office. The Prop 19 campaign has brought in more than $425,000 in donations so far this year, compared to only $41,000 raised by Public Safety First, the most prominent opposition group.

Election Day is only three months away!
While the Prop 19 campaign has demonstrated some mass fundraising appeal, it's a different story with the opposition. Aside from one $100 individual contribution in the last quarter, every cent of Public Safety First's money has come from just four groups: the California Police Chiefs Association ($30,000), the California Peace Officers Association ($5,000), the Peace Officers Association of Los Angeles County ($5,000), and the California District Attorney Investigators Association ($1,000).
Neither side is well-positioned for an expensive TV advertising campaign. The Prop 19 campaign has only $62,000 on hand -- a drop in the bucket in California's massive media markets -- while Public Safety First has only $18,000. But the pro-legalization forces can also count on an additional $100,000 contributed to the Drug Policy Alliance Network, DPA's lobbying funding arm. That was kicked in by civil liberties and AIDS prevention philanthropist Philip Harvey, founder of the North-Carolina based Adam & Eve "adult accessories" online and mail order company.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Where can we send in donations?
I'd love to know a web site where I can contribute...anybody?
In reply to Where can we send in donations? by Charlie (not verified)
Have a look at where the oppositions money is coming from!
Law Enforcement, where did the Police Chiefs Association get $ 30,000 from you think??? The Evidence Room...If all their major donations come from law enforcement what does that tell you? They make Bank on simple marijuana bust, search and seizure its easy; no real police work needed and it looks great on their resume'! If they really cared about public safety they would not be locking up typically law abiding citizens over possession of a freekin plant, and fueling drug violence in our country and Mexico fighting a war they cannot possibly win!!! The government is wasting our hard earned dollars punishing us for using a plant with medicinal powers used to ease the suffering of millions, weather physical or otherwise! Wake up people send these A holes a message! Marijuana use in a cob pipe or a pan of brownies is your God given right which they stole from us in 1913 to deport Mexicans and lock up Black people. Do the research and Truth will set you FREE!
comment posting delays
Someone asked here where two comments he had written (one of them on this page) had gone. Those comments are now published. The spam-fighting module that our new site has sometimes places comments whose origin it isn't sure about into an "approval queue" for our review. In this case I published those comments now when I got online.
Hopefully false positive spam IDs will become fewer and fewer over time as they program gathers more information, as we learn more about how to use it and as our programmer makes improvements to it. In the meanwhile, please accept our apologies for the delay in the posting of your comments.
If anyone's comment doesn't show up at all, please write and let us know. Our programmer is planning to build a way for us to review the comments that the program simply threw away as spam, but that doesn't exist yet. I hope there are no real comments in that pile, but we don't know yet if there might be.
- Dave
In reply to comment posting delays by borden (not verified)
Many thanks Dave!
I had to put some thought into that rant, and I was so afraid I was going to have to rethink the whole thing, for some reason it never comes out the same the second time around! Also the SAVE tab instead of POST was confusing...especially if the post doesn't show up right away!
thanks again for ironing this out
Prop. 19
All I could give is $10
All I could give was $10. Every penny helps.
It's great that the people of
It's great that the people of CA are coming together to oppose this outdated prohibition that's based on racist and corporate interests. Finally, support for marijuana has grown to include people with money! as well as Republicans! This will be a revolutionary move if bullshit politics doesn't get in the way.
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