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Since last issue:
Scott Morgan offers: "Medical Marijuana Raids are Officially Over," "NJ Senate President Embarrasses Himself With Bad Pot Joke," "Colombia Threatens Obama With Cocaine Crisis if he Doesn't Give Them Money," "Kellogg's Stock Takes Big Hit After Phelps Bong Controversy," "Cops Going to Prison for Botched Drug Raid That Killed Elderly Woman," "Disabled Iraq Vet Loses Home Because of Marijuana Arrest" and "Is a "Grow Your Own" Marijuana Policy Better Than Legalization?"
Phil Smith advance reports "New Jersey Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill" and writes "California Legislator Files 'Tax and Regulate' Marijuana Legalization Bill in Wake of Poll Showing Majority West Coast Support" from live at the press conference.
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Marijuana definition
Some people have to catch up with the times and the contemporary awareness of marijuana's role as a herbal curative medicine. There are ample studies finding marijuana's benefits, all one needs do is Google. Voila. DEA drug war propaganda had no clinical research substantiating their horrendous claims of danger from the weed. What they had was William Randolph Hearst coaching Harry Anslinger on how to wage his anti-marijuana campaign. As well as suspected ties to Dupont. The truth is that the government has the dead wrong classification drug type assigned to marijuana. Yet they edict policy based on this misnomer. Gratefully, gradually it is being addressed. The very secondary issue that college kids enjoy a tootfull of pot is superfluous.
In reply to Marijuana definition by Anonymous (not verified)
Don't Forget Uncle Scams Marijuana Patent # 6,630,507
How great would it be to stop the drug war whores and ending there decades long crime spree!
Most folks are aware that the gov't continues to maintain the old drug war refrain that marijuana has no accepted medical value... yet the same gov't holds the patent for... are you ready for this... "Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants".
That's right, your government currently holds U.S. Patent # 6,630,507 claiming: "Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties... cannabinoids are found to have particular applications as neuroprotectants... limiting neurological damage following... stroke and trauma... or in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases... such as Alzheimer's... Parkinson's... and HIV dementia".
Please, someone tell me how a christian gov't accustomed to killing or incarcerating those that dare to disagree with it while claiming one thing... then positions itself to profit from the exact opposite can be either moral... or remotely legal .
The government patent should be struck down as an illegally acquired property/intellectual right. The medical efficacy of Cannabis has been well known by respected medical professionals across the globe for decades... literally centuries.
Yet the gov't continues to prohibit, under the guise of regulation, the scientific study of the cannabis plant... while they themselves obtained the patent for cannabinoids in 2003! Sounds downright criminal to me... insider trading... bearing false witness... leading to capital crimes... like violating self-evident inalienable rights. Where's the justice?
It's not the THC that scares the crap out of the gov't... it's the BSB's... the 'Bullshit Blockers'!
"Truth is Treason in the Kingdom of Lies" - Ron Paul
In reply to Don't Forget Uncle Scams Marijuana Patent # 6,630,507 by Anonymous (not verified)
United States Government and Marijuana
The United States Government is not by the people for the people.And the truth is not a good thing for us to know.If we as Americans have allowed our government to be the hypocrysy it is then there is no other place to put the blame than on ourselves.And allthough not all of us are to blame those of us in power are.I ask the American people how can we repair our country.I am only one person and without the assistance of the majority I am helpless.Please any suggestions???Whos Idea was it to set up voting so that it was possible for a minority to win.Why don't we just count each and every persons vote and the most win?Is it too simple a thing to do.
Samuel Blackbird
In reply to United States Government and Marijuana by Anonymous (not verified)
2 Party Systems = 0 Choices
Our 2 Party / 0 Choice system is working almost exactly the way the 2 parties designed it to work... and the U.S. Supreme Court supports the 0 choice system.
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