California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) told a press conference in his home town Monday he had introduced a bill that would create a system of taxed and regulated legal marijuana sales and production. If the bill were to pass, California would become the first state in the nation to break so decisively with decades of pot prohibition.

Ironically it was California which passed the nation's first marijuana prohibition bill, in 1913, according to a history compiled by Drug WarRant's Peter Guither. Federal marijuana prohibition was enacted in 1937.
As currently written, the taxation and regulation aspects of AB 390 would not go into effect until six months after federal marijuana laws were changed, but the removal of marijuana as a controlled substance under California law would go into effect upon passage of the bill. That is likely to change.
"We've just come through a torturous budget process in this state, and the marijuana industry in California is $14 billion going up in smoke," said Ammiano. "We need to capture some of that. This would also allow us to save money on law enforcement, incarceration, and even the environment."
According to research done by the state Board of Equalization, which handles taxes for the state, legalizing and taxing marijuana sales would generate about $1.3 billion in tax revenues a year. It would also, the board said, lead to a 50% decrease in retail prices.

"It's ironic that the largest cash crop in the state is not being taxed," said Oakland City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan. "We need to devote our law enforcement resources to violent crime. We're losing the war. It's time for regulation and fiscal responsibility."
"This bill is a winning proposition for California's taxpayers," said Dale Gieringer of California NORML (CANORML). "In this time of economic crisis, it makes no sense for California to be wasting money on marijuana prohibition, when we could be reaping tax benefits from a legal, regulated market instead."
It also comes at a time when support for marijuana legalization on the West Coast has gained majority status. In a Zogby International poll released last week, 58% of West Coast respondents said they favored taxing and regulating marijuana.
"This is indicative of what an important moment we are at," said Bruce Mirken, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project. "This week, we saw Dan Walters, a middle of the road columnist for the Sacramento Bee do a column saying now is the time to do this. The Los Angeles Times said it was time for the feds to rethink this. There is a growing sense that Ammiano has captured that the way we've been dealing with marijuana since 1937 doesn't make a bit of sense and rethinking is required."

But, St. Pierre revealed, before summer is here, at least two more states will see similar bills. "California is leading the country in the discussion, but it won't be by itself. By June, there will be 45 or 50 million people having a discussion about legalizing marijuana -- not decrim, not medical, not lowest law enforcement priority, but marijuana legalization."
"I think with the introduction of this bill, we have reached the tipping point in the discussion about marijuana," said St. Pierre. "When the largest state in the nation, facing crushing economic times, is forced to review the festering situation of all that untaxed marijuana and it already has the example of retail access through the dispensaries, the discussion has changed."
"You don't know if you're at the tipping point until you've gone past it, but we could be," said Mirken. "Nobody imagines it's going to get done overnight, but we've suddenly reached the point where it's no longer a fringe issue, and that's huge."
"I think this is the beginning of the end," said Southern California legalization activist Clifford Shaffer, creator of the Let Us Pay Taxes web site, which pleads "Take our Money Please," purportedly on behalf of the California marijuana industry. "A number of factors have come together, such as public education, the obvious failure of the drug war, and the economy, and they are producing a 'perfect storm' for reform. We will see big changes in the coming year and this bill is a good start," Shaffer predicted.
Acceptable progress this year, said Mirken, would be for the bill to move forward at all. "A good year would be getting a couple of committee hearings and though a couple of committees, laying the groundwork for actual passage in a year or two. The conversation was long overdue, but it has now been engaged."
"I'm not so naïve as to think it will pass this year," agreed CANORML's Gieringer. "I think the conflict with federal law will pose problems with law enforcement for sure, and we know the governor always supports law enforcement. This is the opening shot in a process that could take several years to work out, but we have now opened the debate. For all the years I've been dealing with this issue, politicians have been afraid to say anything more than medical marijuana or decriminalization, but as long as you don't move beyond decrim, you still get all the problems of prohibition," he argued.
"It's essential to get past decriminalization; it keeps the problems of prohibition and doesn't bring any revenue to the state," Gieringer continued. "We need a viable solution, not some half-baked one that wouldn't solve the problems. And I think we're close to having a majority here in California. I know we have majority support in Oakland, San Francisco, and other parts of Northern California. I think we're getting there."
It's been 96 years since California passed that first marijuana prohibition law. Can prohibition be ended before it enters its second century? Thanks to Assemblyman Ammiano's AB 390, we can dream that maybe it just might.
This work by is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Its about time
We need to help that effort with a national campaign.
I have written about a possible political strategy for national action here:
California Considers Legalizing Marijuana
Lets end pot prohibition in 2009.
There are national things that need to happen for California to do this without the federal government screwing with them. It can happen but it will require national effort. We can do this.
In reply to Its about time by Anonymous (not verified)
Marketing Strategy?
how about showing people what they get with the Tax dollars that the plant will generate. I bet, no i know, if the people of CA see the $80 gazillion dollar a year cash crop might be able to fund, oh, everything they want. They just might go for it. BUT i think you have to show them.
So send some cash and buy some media show them like the visa campaign that pot is priceless, or in this case should be priced.
In reply to Its about time by Anonymous (not verified)
The 10th Amendment
The People and the sovereign states seem to have forgotten that it was the states and the people which created the federal government, not the other way around. The federal government's powers are clearly and strictly enumerated in the constitution -- banning vices was not one of those enumerated powers. The states have every Constitutional right to re-legalize cannabis and hemp, without concern for federal law (and most of them know it, the real hang up is giving up all that federal money which will dry up when a state refuses to honor the fed's rules).
And if the states would just look at it with eyes truly open they would see that the taxes from the commercial aspect would more than make up for the loss of federal funds. Everyone should give their state legislators that information, Perhaps they are too close to see the forest for the trees?
The federal government has no Constitutional authority to criminalize any intoxicating substance, nor any personal or consensual behaviors, either. Bottom line is, the states can, Constitutionally, nullify federal laws the same way they ratify an amendment.
I'm pro-choice on EVERYTHING!
Everyone in the nation should contribute.
If you visit you will find this (a legalize marijuana petition directed at your local government). I think this should be directed towards the California representatives and everyone should blitz their mail box. What starts in California spreads across the U.S. This would be the first step!
In reply to Everyone in the nation should contribute. by Anonymous (not verified)
California needs our help
California cannot legalize unless the United States congress decriminalizes. That means that we all need to get to our state delegations in congress and push them hard to decriminalize cannabis this year.
We need to organize rallies for pot reform in our states and push the media hard to cover them.
A simple form email from a web site will not do the job. Our politicians need to see us and know that we are serious. We need to inundate our state legislatures to take up the issue. And we need to push our state legislatures to make the congressional delegations take up pot decriminalization in the U.,S. congress.
In reply to California needs our help by Anonymous (not verified)
legalize, not decriminalize!
Without legalization the drug cartels will still be supplying the "illegal" drugs through dealers. Decriminalize just means you get a fine if you are caught with it. It is still illegal in those states where the drug is decriminalized. We must get it legalized and regulated so it can be sold through retail outlets like liquor stores, legally! Otherwise, you just increase the flow of money to the drug gangs, dealers, and cartels. What we want is a legal supply, as well as the legal right to consume the intoxicant of our choice. Just like booze!
Remember.....LEGALIZE not decriminalize!
And yes, the US Congress needs to get on board, too! They need to realize that it is a right, guaranteed, under the Constitution And, not a regulation under the Commerce Clause! It needs to be left up to the states! GO "STATES' RIGHTS"!!
In reply to legalize, not decriminalize! by mlang52 (not verified)
Medical Marijuana
I agree Marijuana should be available to sick people and well people alike because MJ has 50 known medicinal; and mood elevating qualities; including helping gain appetite;
but if the governmnet of Calif. wants to tax each ounce of weed for $50;
how much would a consumer have to pay for an ounce?; recalling one ounce of Cannibis is 28 grams or about 30 cigarettes; so if the tax alone is $50 an oz;
how much would the acutal ounce cost the consumer ?
are we talking $100 dollars for 30 regualr cannibis cigs. ?
that is equivant to street prices; so what is the point ?
taxing @ $50 an oz plus cost would harm the consumer; better they should grow the weed on their own; costs less;A
In reply to Medical Marijuana by Anonymous (not verified)
$50 tax is crazy high!
As a medical marijuana user, safe access, not going to jail and reasonable prices have been the major issues in obtaining cannabis. It has been cost prohibitive at times, and yes I have suffered. Putting a $50 tax on 28oz is akin to telling my medical marijuana (MMJ) community we are not sick, so if you want to get high, pay up. Again the politicians are missing the VALUE of this herb as MEDICINE.
Many patients cannot grow their own for a myriad of reasons, not to mention federal proscecution. I understand why prices are where they are now due to the risks involved in the business. Lets not all jump on the bandwagon as say this is great just yet. We know that the outrageous taxes on cigarettes causes a black market ( hence the Firearms, TOBACCO and Alcohol arm of the government) and all the associated criminal activities.
We have an opportunity for debate here with profound consequences, toward the positive. Lets show that Cannabis users as a group are thoughtful, intelligent, citizens, that want sound, rational legislation that will once and for all provide safe access for all.
Hammer all forms of communication to end war against drugs
never relent
We do not recognize war/war against drugs as valid leadership
Wars against people/drugs and the rest of your fraud was never legitimate to begin with . The entire local state and federal wall street terrorist insider trading occupation of local state and federal governments operates on earth fraudulently. Furthermore if wars and wars against drugs as profit by terror/plunder continues, petrochemiceutical drug pharmacies which lobby/pay for this war mongering are no longer welcome on this land. Anyone forcing wars and wars against drugs on anyone,any place ,or any thing is only recognized as forced religious cult leaders from a fraudulently occupying religious cult on a local,state,federal and global level. war against drugs pushers get out youre fraudulent occupation over ! leave or perish !
Obama felt the heat
when he let the DEA make the medical pot raids in California after the inauguration. He finally relented and made a statement in support of ending the raids ONLY after weeks of ever increasing reform anger on blogs and in the media across the nation.
He knows that we can muster up a firestorm if he does not get on board the reform bandwagon. Or if he obstructs a reform effort to decriminalize in 2009. This means that regardless of his attitude we do not have Obama and the White House as a headwind pushing back against cannabis reform.
This is the year for ending cannabis prohibition if we get on our feet and scream loud enough.
California is the mustering point. The whole nation is the battle field. The U.S. congress is Waterloo for pot prohibition in 2009.
Get up
Stand up.
Stand up for your rights.
Get up
Stand up.
Don't give up the fight!
Perfect Storm for Legalization
The San Francisco Chronicleâs article regarding Assemblyman Ammianoâs cannabis legalization bill noted this response from the Feds:
So the DEA is so shocked they're speechless, and a White House spokesman can only defer to an earlier campaign-driven brush-off by President Obamaâsounds to me as if the pot adversaries are up against the wall.
As president, Obama is constitutionally limited in certain ways when it comes to his influence over state laws. Were California to legalize cannabis, the typical federal response for states that challenge the will of the Feds in this way would be for Congress to eliminate federal highway funds for the state. Financial retaliation cannot be employed at this time, however. Such measures would fly in the face of Obamaâs economic stimulus package.
Given Obamaâs previous mea culpa regarding a choice for commerce secretary, the President has proven heâs candid enough to admit to a mistake. Thus, it shouldnât be that difficult for him to retreat in the face of a huge groundswell of Left Coast support for cannabis legalization. With billions in new tax revenue at stake, and with the prospect of slashing funding for cannabis prohibition (estimated to be $18-billion per year nationally), marijuana legalization is probably one of the most appropriate and effective tax and budget reform packages that the federal and state governments can choose from.
Another positive factor for legalization is the recent budget conflict in California. Because of an exasperating lack of compromise, Governor Schwarzenegger and the Republican Party currently despise each other.  If the animosity lasts, and the Governor is asked to sign a cannabis legalization bill, assuming it passes the state assembly before his term of office expires, Schwarzenegger may no longer feel compelled to curry favor with Republican prohibitionists.
With this alignment of circumstances, it would be a shame if drug law reformers missed the window of opportunity to legalize cannabis within the next couple of years. Another chance like this one may not come again for some time.
In reply to Perfect Storm for Legalization by Giordano (not verified)
Your right
We have an opportunity here to act.
The bill can't be put into effect without congress decriminalizing cannabis first. So it will require a national effort to make this happen.
A two pronged effort, I think, is the best way.
1. Lobby our state legislatures to do the same as California. This includes getting state legislatures to pass resolutions telling their congressional delegations to pass conforming decrim laws at the federal level.
2. Lobby congress directly to pass decriminalization bills to enable the decriminalization efforts of California and other states that start down this road.
In reply to Your right by aahpat (not verified)
there is no need to wait for federal decrim, see my response to the first comment above for an explanation.
I'm pro-choice on EVERY THING!
Obama stepped in the deep shit
Obama painted himself into a corner on drug reform. He implied a whole range of "change" in order to shut up drug policy reformers who were confronting candidates in the campaigns. He tried to ignore it after the inauguration when the DEA continued the medical pot raids in California in opposition to his promise to stop such raids. But the uproar among reformers and in the media forced him, kicking and screaming, to reaffirm his assertion of change.
Now Obama has to appease his drug war cabinet but at the same time be mindful of the massive drug policy reform community that has proven itself, with the public reaction to the med/mari raids, a very public factor and force in his policy considerations.
I think that this provides a unique opportunity for drug policy reform. Obama can revert to his prohibitionist ways but he must be circumspect about it rather than being overt in the drug warrior ways the previous four administrations have been. That, I believe, means that for the first time since 1980 there will not be an administration imposing a major headwind on reform efforts in the states and in the congress. This is great. A major national drug policy reform effort, without the White House significantly obstructing it, can go a long way and quickly.
We don't need Obama we only need to have him sit on his hands. And I think that that is what he is forced to do now.
I want to help!
What can the public do to rally? Can someone or some group take the initiative to organize? I think everyone is ready to voice their opinion, I don't think most people know how to voice their opinion. If there is anytime for a big push it is right now. This needs to be taken to the media, the mainstream media!!
In reply to I want to help! by Anonymous (not verified)
The California bill and any other state decrim bill in any state cannot be implemented without the U.S. congress first decriminalizing marijuana. So I have been recommending to people that you do two things.
1. Write to your state representatives and senators telling them that you want decriminalization. You can use the California bill for support in that effort. At the same time ask state legislators to pass a resolution telling your delegation in the United States congress to work for and pass a bill to decriminalize marijuana so that state decrim laws like California's can be implemented.
2. Write to your members in congress and tell them that you want decrim in this session of congress so that your state and California can implement decrim bills.
Contact your representative in the U.S.Congress
Contact your U.S. Senator
Email President Barack Obama
Letters to the editor in your local and national newspapers are often a very effective way to get the attention of your representatives in government. So when you write to your representatives and to President Obama dash off a brief letter on the issue to your favorite local and national newspapers at the same time.
Keep writing to the media and push them to support decriminalization.
Get your friends to write these letters too.
If they don't hear it from us they won't hear it.
This petition is urging lawmakers to legalize marijuana. When you fill out your name and address, click send, it will go to your local government officials. I have since received this email back from my governors office in response
"Dear Friend,
Thank you for your letter and for sharing your thoughts with the Governor. He appreciates the time you took to share your views on this subject.
In order to change the laws governing legalization of marijuana, new legislation would be required. Members of the Indiana General Assembly would need to provide backing and sponsorship of the legislation. Given your statement of support, I encourage you to also contact your local legislators to express your desire for legislation to be introduced in the General Assembly. Contact information for the Indiana House and Senate is included below.
Please be assured that Governor Daniels monitors all legislation very closely as it proceeds through the legislative process and thoroughly reviews all bills that are brought to him for approval or veto. This issue is of concern to many Hoosiers, so it is likely that legislators will deliberate on the benefits and/or downfalls of any changes to current policy.
Thank you for your citizenship."
I signed that petition over 3 weeks ago. It had about 1800 signatures then and has slowly crept up to 2400 as I write this. What is going on?? This is very easy to do.. Why isn't there more signatures?? This is something everyone should be doing. You can e-mail the link.
No Way!
I am all for full legalization but this is legalized rape.
The reform movement has been telling the public for decades that if marijuana was legalized the black market would disappear overnight just as it did when prohibition was repealed.This bill is charging the black market price for a dried plant and will do nothing to stop the black market.
Marijuana is nothing more than pipe tobacco with a buzz and should cost no more to grow than pipe tobacco.
I just went to the store and bought 1.37 ozs of oregano...for $1
I assume there is some cost to growing,harvesting,processing and shipping this dried plant...and yet when it hits the shelf,my cost is a dollar.
When prohibition was repealed the price of alcohol dropped dramatically back down to what it was worth,this bill starts with the black market price .All the black market will do is lower their price below the legal price and still make a killing on...a dried plant.
Let's not go for the first flashy thing to come our way,we don't have to take this.Marijuana should be grown,sold and regulated the same as pipe tobacco and consumers should pay a fair price...for a dried plant.
BTW- In my area,regular mex is going for $50 oz right now without legalization.
In reply to No Way! by Anonymous (not verified)
I think the price will drop.
The woman from the Board of Equalization said she thought the price would drop by roughly half, to something like $200 an ounce for the kind bud, or $250 with taxes.
In reply to No Way! by Anonymous (not verified)
In my part of the country
We pay $40-50 for an eighth of an ounce, but it's tight, sticky, skunky, green bud (no water leaf, very little stem), dried just perfect (not too dry, not too damp), so that a pin head in a bong gives you 4-6 tokes.
I'm pro-choice on EVERY THING!
Release all political prisoners now!
In a few hours, on worldwide television news networks we are going to show you all just how the war against drugs pushers and the global petrochemical drug corporations are sadistically using their ability force unconstitutional laws and operatives into public policy to get away with the same type of insider trading scam that landed Martha Stewart in prison but on a much larger scale with far more cruelty invovled. We are about to bankrupt the war,war against drugs,and the corporations involved in this tyranny. Dont think we are serious ? Just watch. Release all political prisoners now or the above mentioned will escalate into an even bigger problem for all involved on forcing this tyranny on everyone !
Lid is blown off war against drugs/drug corporation scam!
Look > just an hour and 45 minutes and you all will see how the war against drugs pushers and global petrochemiceutical corporations use stock market insider trading to profit from manufactured human misery. youre about see how this has forced unconstitutional laws,operatives,and branches of government which dont have the right to exist.
uhh...something on tv i dont know about?
this is the 2nd post around the same time talkin about drug war scam being revealed....first off there was a movie released last year called american drug war: the last white hope...talked about all that and more(great movie) but anyways back to the main are you talking about?
Hammer This:
Rob Kampia was a guest on Fox News' Glenn Beck Show, supposedly to talk about the CA legislation in economic terms.
Take some deep breaths guys, cuz this ain't no moment of Zen. Don't watch this while holding anything breakable:
In reply to Hammer This: by Anonymous (not verified)
Not really bad!
Beck admitted to smoking it!! He said it "tears up you lungs"!! I guess he did not know you can vaporize it or use it in food, without the harm of smoking. Otherwise, Beck was acting foolish and at times very childish. The MPP rep did great in pointing out all of the fallacy that Beck was spouting, including the "tears up you lungs" stuff! But, maybe I should not be too judgmental. I have never been a boozer. He has to do something to keep himself off the sauce!
Terrorism,plunder,insider trading charges against D.E.A.
A well known civil/human rights organization has filed criminal charges of operating unconstitutionally,terrorism,socioeconomic plunder,insider trading,stalking menacing,the list goes on, against all war against drugs politicians,police,and global drug corporations responsible for forcing the fraudulent prohibition policy in the United states,Canada,Mexico,Central and South America,the list goes on. The arrests are supposed begin at midnight. over 55,000 constitution supporting law enforcement and military personnel who do not recognize the war against drugs as constitutional are in charge of arresting the war against drugs racket. This is a shining moment as local,state,federal,and global war against drugs operators and drug corporation c.e.o."s are already escaping to countries such as Venezuela,and others with no extradition policy. I never thought i would see this but its finally happening
The "Holy Grail" of Re-Legalization is now within our grasp
This bill is probably a shock to both the DEA and the various drug reform organizations (MPP, DPA, NORML). The DEA is seeing the "end of the line" when it comes to Marijuana Prohibition. And the "moneyed" drug organization must also be in shock as this goes well beyond their usual pleas for a "tax and regulate" proposals. By giving citizens the "right" to grow 10 plants -- hopefully without any regulation or taxation -- this bill comes closest to the MERP Model of Re-Legalization
So nice for Holder to throw us a bone by stopping the busts of Medical Dispensaries by the Federal Government. But in order to defund the gangs and cartels Marijuana MUST become legal. And I think this can be done by years end. Please watch and redistribute the following line/video as far as humanly possible. Still awaiting Borden's critique of the MERP Model which treats Marijuana just like home beer production: no taxes and no regulation.
Re-Legalize Marijuana Now, Obama (1)
In reply to The "Holy Grail" of Re-Legalization is now within our grasp by Anonymous (not verified)
What does MERP mean?
I see this MERP model alot in your posts. What does it mean?
Taxing Weed
I for one will never pay a tax on my weed. They don't tax tomatoes do they? Why is it now that their economy is falling apart and their states are going bankrupt do we have these sick politicians trying to make a buck off of us. When they have busted down our doors, beaten us, jailed us, fined us, imprisoned us, and yes used our habits against us in other areas to secure more drastic sentences against us, why should we even consider taxation as a viable legalization strategy. Taxation without representation is tyranny. Since when have these asshole politicians ever represented us. To hell with the government and it's Drug Warriors. And I am sure they will end up there.
By the way, don't mention Obama's name in my presence, I don't like Posers.
Is Florida dead!?
I live on the west coast of Florida and I could be wrong but it seems like there is no reform activity in Florida at all!? We have the most strict drug laws in the entire Nation and it seems like it goes unchallenged!?
Request to L.E.A.P.
We the people respectfully request Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to arrest and/or remove the Unconstitutional/fraudulent occupation of war monger/prohibitionist/wall street insider trading terrorists which pose as governments before they commit another 911 styled for profit attack .
I have some reservations
I have always supported legalization but there is a right way and many wrong ways to do it. The US marijuana market is valued at $130 billion. If we turn this market over to the white collar thieves on Wall Street they are going to say "OH Boy!!! We're gonna get $130 billion more next year" and the consumer is still screwed. There is only one right way. Anyone who has a legal right to buy and consume deadly tobacco and alcohol must have the same legal right to grow and consume marijuana without fear of prosecution or persecution by anyone, period. Then if a commercial market
develops it will be because some entrepreneur says "they're probably getting tired of growing it by now and if I can produce it cheap enough they will buy it from me". Then the pricing structure goes from free to whatever the market will bear and the black market will be closed for ever. We need to forget about marijuana as a commodity and shift our attention to hemp. We can develop a whole new industry and create millions of jobs (and not in the criminal justice area like we are doing today). We can also begin to research hemp for the first time to see what other benefits it has to offer.
In reply to I have some reservations by Anonymous (not verified)
As a sidebar
Home growers of cannabis could sell the stalks and stems to fiber mills (just like hemp). If they grow sensimilla, there might be a market for the water leaf, to be ground and used in food, for instance; but growers of non- sensimilla could also sell the seed to the same processors who would be handling hemp seed (or they could just keep it and eat it themelves, or as feed for wild or pet birds,too). So the smokeable part is not the only money maker for growers.
I'm pro-choice on EVERYTHING!
My Letter to Pennsylvania legislators
Marijuana Legalization in Pennsylvania in 2009
These numbers are so low, the state would make BILLIONS in revenues and taxes. Marijuana has been for yrs.Ca.largest cash crop, at least $40/bil. per yr.Pot has also been the U.S. #1 cash crop est. well over $70/bil. per yr. That is more than the combined total of corn,wheat and rice.The numbers of folks that could work in all aspects of the marijuana industry,the BILLIONS saved by not persuing and prosecution.I know many disagree,but if you truly look at this issue pros vs.cons, the benefits outweigh overwhelmingly.The fact remains our state and country are so broke financially they can never recover.I also believe we need to legalize prostitution the revenues as well as regulations could also yield billions in revenue and taxes.
I don't really understand how states like CA can be "afraid" of the feds taking their funding away for things like highway/law enforcement/etc...It's the states that GIVES money to the feds in the first place...And a lot of states, especially BLUE states like CA and NY end up giving more money to the federal government, than they end up getting back in the form of aid and funding. So if the Feds want to threaten to take this and that away from CA. Then CA should just threaten to stop sending any money to the Feds. Stop paying federal income taxes. Seems simple enough. No?
In reply to Feds by meeneecat (not verified)
keeping our own money?
It would likely start a civil war! The government people forget where the money comes from, don't they!
IMO $50 tax per oz is the right amount (for top quality)
Tax should be based on THC content. Cannabis is not a problem free substance, though it is far superior to alcohol, so a tax is not unreasonable. And practically speaking, it won't get passed without it. Once everyone who isn't brain dead realizes that marijuana is much safer than alcohol, maybe the issue can be revisited. The bill introduced in California allows up to 10 plants for personal use so people who can't afford to buy, or don't want to, do have that option.
No question, if the tax is too high, it won't drive the gangs out of business.
I really appreciated the Equalization Board chairperson's surprisingly positive comments, but I think (what do I know?) that she's way off on the price of legal herb, I think it would be way less. A lot of people would love to grow legal weed and feed other heads at an affordable price. As far as the complaint that the price of medical marijuana shouldn't be so high, it would still be a small fraction of the price of pharmaceuticals, and once legal I think people would step forward to grow MMJ for those who can't grow their own. Medical marijuana really shouldn't be subject to the tax anyway.
Obama and cannabis legalization
How did he put it regarding medicinal cannabis, something like "federal resources shouldn't be used to circumvent state law"? If he takes the same approach to state legalization of cannabis, everything will be cool. The feds would still be able to raid growers who aren't in compliance with state law (maybe they could start by protecting the National Parks and Forests) so that would appease hardliners somewhat.
tax based on thc content ?
what? no more plunder scams this government should not allowed to remain a dictatorship
144,000 guillotines
will end the unconstitutional new world orders reign of terror local,state,federal,global,multiversal
re: "tax based on the content"
You really think they'll legalize if they don't get any money out of commercial sales? I can't see that happening, at least anytime soon. I just hope people who don't like the idea of taxing commercial sale don't go so far as to vote against a referendum to allow home gardening up to a limit, and legalize and tax commercial sales. That would be an incredible drag.
sheesh, there are some bloodthirsty folks posting here
Well, maybe they or a loved one has suffered terribly, more than most of us have from this garbage war. Or maybe they're just being typically American in their lust for blood. Personally, I prefer ridicule to calls for violence.
In reply to sheesh, there are some bloodthirsty folks posting here by newageblues (not verified)
Blood thirsty? You should look at all of those posts. They are not written with punctuation, in many instances. The words are rambling into almost unintelligible sentences. And, you want to believe it is a valid person?
He obviously is someone who cannot put his thoughts down in complete sentences of organized thought. Don't judge everyone, on here, by that one person. He appears to be having some "issues" with his own mental stability. I have learned to ignore him. He is an embarrassment, in my eyes. But, blogs seem to be the epitome of free speech, even if it sounds insane!
Exact economics: tax included, Ammiano bill is the final victory
1. One respondent mentioned that an ounce is enough for 30 joints-- that's over 900 mg. per joint. Try this instead: sucking slow on a quarter-inch-diameter screened single toke utensil (long-stemmed one-hitter), you can do 25-mg. low-temperature tokes-- after a 1/16" screengrinding for uniform particle size (use the twig cellulose to make tea), that's usually over 900 servings!
2. Once legal, the actual cost of someone raising and delivering your herb won't be too far different from the $1 for 1.37 oz. of oregano mentioned by somebody above. But let's say it's $10. That's $60 an ounce, tax included, or 6.66 cents a toke! With a Qur'an-compliant moderation regimen of ten tokes every two days, 1826 a year, we're talking $120/year. Compare $2000/year for hot-burning overdose nicotine genocide cigarets in a high-tax ($7/pack) state, lol. Ammiano's bill means the extermination of corporate Big Tobackgo as we have known it, and down the same toilet will go crack, smack (alack).
3. Can't afford $120 a year? Think how many thousand tokes you'll get from ten plants!
4. Don't want to smoke, even from a slow burning one-hitter? Can't afford a $600 Volcano or even one of the $200 vaporizers? Look up E-Cigarette (numerous brands now available on line for under $100). It vaporizes out of a small cartridge (about $2) loaded with liquid nicotine, other flavors (present day brands that is)-- but some kinds of cartridges could be refilled with pure THC! (Maybe the legislation can allow for taxing that too.) Makers claim a single cartridge loading provides 200 tokes or about the number of "puffs" in a pack of you-know-what.
5. The 25-mg. single toke or the healthy vaporization alternative surely can be presented as the poster child of sobriety and moderation in the spirit of Rep. Franks' House bill, or "Responsible Use" as NORML puts it.
I think everything is in place, get behind Ammiano! Meanwhile, if you want to make your own mini-utensil out of a nickel's worth of stuff found lying in the garage, look up over a dozen ways to do it in the Wikipedia "Cannabis smoking" article under "Screened single-toke utensil". (By the way if you're an expert and know how to scan pictures onto Wiki, that paragraph could use them.)
mlang, is all that coming from one person?
Prolific ranter. I pretty much agree with what you said, though I wouldn't use a phrase like valid person myself. Reminds me of the way they treat us. I'm not judging everyone here by him by any means, a lot of good posts here!
In reply to mlang, is all that coming from one person? by newageblues (not verified)
Well maybe
Valid may have not been a good word to use when referring to the blogger's person. But the way the blogs use similar phrases in them should make it obvious that it is the same person writing both long and short comments. His comments are so hard to understand that there seems to be little validity in them.
There was one guy on here, last week, that said everybody that "smoked pot" were child molesters. I think it turned out he did something violent after smoking cannabis and tried to blame it for his anti-social behavior. He beat his girlfriend up or something like that. So he got on here and said abusive things about all of us "addicts" who should kill ourselves. If you did not take it too seriously, he was hilarious! He later said he was an oil executive making a six figure income. We all got laugh out of that one!
Thing is, we have people on both sides of the issue who can seem to get out of hand at times.
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