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Web Scan

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #523)

Making Pot Legal: We Can Do It -- Here's How, Paul Armentano on Alternet

Despite Little Success in Colombia, Some U.S. Officials Continue to Push Crop Spraying in Afghanistan, Joseph Kirschke for World Politics Review

Marijuana Fact or Fiction interviews Ryan Davidson of Hailey, Idaho

Pain Relief Network petition for injunction against Kansas in Schneider case, and new PRN patient forums

Controlling Illegal Stimulants, a Regulated Market Model, Mark Haden in the Harm Reduction Journal, final version

BBC special on psychedelics in medicine, via Transform

World Bank/DFID Afghanistan report warns against aerial opium eradication in Afghanistan and cautions about manual eradication

The Culture of the Ban on Cannabis, Peter Cohen on CEDRO web site

Stop Plan Mexico public service announcement, on YouTube

Hillary and Obama, Ignore the Sleazy Pollsters Who Want You to Cave on Drug Reform, Steve Wishnia on AlterNet

Reflections: Bush Talks about His Own Drug Addiction Problems, Tony Newman on Join Together

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