Dear friend and reformer,
As year's end approaches, I hope you will make a generous donation to support our campaigns in 2009. traffic has grown at 60% per year for the past two years, as the chart to the left shows, most recently bringing over 170,000 people to our web site each month. But that is only part of what we are doing:
We are producing a short Internet video about the overuse of SWAT raids and the carnage that results, for people to send to their friends;
We are crafting a lobbying agenda for Congress based on pro-reform positions taken by President-Elect Barack Obama during his legislative career and campaign, and we are reaching out to new likely allies to support it;
We are preparing a major, one-week effort to educate the media about the effects of drug prohibition in the situations they report on; and
We are preparing the next major expansion of our web site, scheduled to launch around mid-year.
Your support plays a major role in deciding just how far we can take these campaigns. Please make a generous donation to support our campaigns in 2009. A tax-deductible donation to DRCNet Foundation will support our educational programs; a non-deductible donation to Drug Reform Coordination Network will support our lobbying work. Donations can be made online by credit card or PayPal, and you can also use our donation form to print out a convenient form to mail in. Or, you can send a check or money order instead to P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036. Contact us for info if you are interested in donating stock.
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Drug policy reform is such an important issue, but it's an important issue that needs your help. We at need you to ensure that this time of change, will bring needed change, for a disadvantaged, demonized and under-represented group in our society, the targets of the brutal War on Drugs. Please donate generously today, and together we will make things happen.
Thank you very much for working to change this country's drug policies and for continuing to be part of And thank you for giving your support to our efforts at this important hour. Your contribution has never been more important.
David Borden
Executive Director, (DRCNet)
News & Activism Promoting Sensible Reform
P.S. Every day that goes by, 4,000 people are arrested for drug offenses, the vast majority of them minor, and half a million nonviolent drug offenders languish yet another day in the staggering number of prisons and jails the government has very unwisely built. It's time to stop this senseless tragedy and shocking injustice. Please increase your commitment to ending the drug war by donating to today. Thank you!
This work by is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to legalize marijuana for paper and save trees and make fuel for vehicles instead of sucking the Earth dry. Make the noise to make it happen. Bother your Congressperson on a regular basis.
from the horse's mouth
8 months of chemo makes it hard to eat.Maintaining steady wieght is a big part in the healing process....In all my medicine taking,no pill EVER made me eat.
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